Phrasal Verbs Practice

1. We were supposed to meet at 7 p.m., but he didn’t _______ until 9 p.m. After the event, I had to _______ his offer for coffee because it was too late.

a) turn up / turn off

b) turn up / turn down

c) turn on / turn up

d) turn off / turn down

2. I had to _______ the lights to see clearly in the room. After a few hours in the hotel room, I remembered to _______ the TV before leaving for the city centre.

a) turn up / turn off

b) turn on / turn off

c) turn on / turn down

d) turn up / turn off

3. She tried to _______ the strange noise coming from her attic, but while doing so, she realized she had to _______ her keys, which she had lost earlier.

a) look into / look for

b) look for / look into

c) look after / look for

d) look up / look into

4. She didn’t want to _______ the bus because she suffers from motion sickness. That was why she ________ the car and drove so many miles, being late for the meeting.

a) got on / got on

b) get on / get in

c) get off / get on

d) get on / got in

5. While the plane _________, I thought I needed to _______ a new hobby to relax after work.

a) was taking off / take up

b) was taking up / take on

c) was getting off / get on

d) was taking down / get up

6. Although I tried to _______ the toilet before the cabin crew prepared landing, I couldn’t. Besides, I had to _______ the plane later than the other passengers.

a) get out of / get off

b) get off / get out of

c) get into / get off

d) get out of / get into

7. You should always _______ when crossing the road, and don’t forget to _______ your younger brothers when they are with you.

a) look after / look out

b) look out / look after

c) look out / look for

d) look up / look out

8. I _______ my brother because he’s always been responsible, and he taught me how to _______ myself properly in challenging situations.

a) look after / look for

b) look out / look after

c) look up to / look after

d) look for / look up

Another – Other – The Other – The Others

1. I haven’t finished my tasks. Now, I have to work on ___ thing, but I only have ___ task to complete.

a) other / the others

b) another / the other   

c) the other / others

d) another / other

2. Some people prefer hiking, while ___ enjoy relaxing at the beach. You should find something that interests you because ___ activity might be boring for you.

a) others / another      

b) the other / others

c) another / other

d) other / other

3. She tried on several dresses, but she didn’t like any of them. I suggested she should try ___ shop to find ___ options.

a) another / others

b) other / others

c) the other / another

d) another / other        

4. I have more friends. One of them lives in London, and ___ lives in New York. I see them more often because ___ are very busy.

a) the other / others

b) other / the others

c) another / the others   

d) the others / the others

5. Some students finished their tasks early, but ___ needed more time. The teacher said ___ can ask for help if needed.

a) the other / another

b) others / the others   

c) others / another

d) the others / others

6. You should try ___ approach if this one doesn’t work. There might be ___ ways to solve the problem.

a) other / others

b) another / other     

c) the other / others

d) another / the other

7. One of the students was absent today. ___  students were present and took the test. We will have to give ___ student the test later.

a) Others / another

b) Others / other

c) The other / the other     

d) The others / the other

8. She’s come with a light blue bag because her _______ bag has broken and she’s going to buy _______ one tomorrow.

a) the other / another

b) another / the other

c) another / another
d) other / another       


1. “When I _______ to my boss, I _______ him that I would _______ to the team about the new project.”

a) said / told / talk
b) spoke / told / speak
c) talked / said / speak

2. “Can you _______ me what he _______ in the meeting, or should I _______ directly to him?”

a) tell / said / talk
b) speak / told / say
c) say / told / speak

3. “During the interview, she _______ that she couldn’t _______ French, but she could _______ German fluently.”

a) told / talk / speak
b) said / speak / talk
c) said / speak / speak

4. “After the movie, we all _______ about how great it was, and I _______ to my friend that we should _______ more often.”

a) spoke / told / speak
b) talked / told / talk
c) talked / said / talk

5. “At the conference, the professor _______ about climate change and _______ us how we can _______ other people what to do.”

a) told / said / talk

b) talked / told / speak

c) spoke / told / tell

6. “My mother has always _______ me to _______ up for myself and not be afraid to _______ my mind.”

a) said / speak / tell
b) told / speak / speak
c) said / say / speak

7. “He _______ that he wanted to _______ to the manager, but he was too nervous to _______ anything.”

a) said / talk / say
b) told / say / talk
c) spoke / speak / say

8. “I didn’t _______ anything at the meeting because I was waiting for you to _______ me what to _______.”

a) say / tell / talk
b) speak / say / tell
c) talk / tell / say

Test grila Present Simple _ Present Continuous

a) seems / looks

b) seem / is looking

c) seems / is looking

2.I ____ (believe) in hard work, but right now I ____ (not/think) this plan will work.

a) believe / am not thinking

b) believe / do not think

c) believe / doesn’t think

3.She ____ (own) a car, but today she ____ (use) public transport.

a) owns / is using

b) own / uses

c) owns / uses

4.Normally, they ____ (know) the answer, but this time they ____ (struggle).

a) know / are struggling

b) knows / struggling

c) know / struggle

5.He ____ (think) about changing his job, but he still ____ (love) his current work.

a) is thinking / love

b) thinks / is loving

c) is thinking / loves

6.We ____ (have) a great team, but currently, we ____ (have) some issues to resolve.

a) are having / are having 

b) have / have

c) have / are having

7.The coffee ____ (smell) great, but I ____ (prefer) tea in the morning.

a) is smelling / prefer  

b) smells / prefer

c) smells / am preferring

8.“The cake ____ (taste) delicious!” “Let’s see… I (taste) it now.”

a) tastes / am tasting

b) is tasting / am tasting

c) tastes / taste

9.This book ____ (contain) all the information you need, and it ____ (belong) to the library.

a) contain / belong

b) is containing / is belonging

c) contains / belongs

10.I ____ (remember) her name now, but I usually ____ (forget) easily.

a) am remembering / forget

b) remember / forget

c) remembers / forget

11.My friend ____ (have) a cat, but this week she ____ (look after) her neighbor’s dog.

a) have / is looking

b) has / is looking after

c) has / looks after


Alege varianta corecta:

1. She ______ (to travel) to France tomorrow because she  ______ (to attend) a business meeting.

a) is going to travel / is attending

b) will travel / will attend

c) is travelling / is attending

d) is travelling / is going to attend

2. “What time you __________(to finish) the project on Saturday?” “I _____________(to do)  anything, I want to relax.

a) are you going to finish / am not going to do

b) you will finish / am not doing

c) are you going to finish / am doing

d) are you finishing / don’t do

3. I think he ________ (to sell) his car and he _________ (to buy) another one.

a) is selling / is buying

b) will sell / is buying

c) will sell / will buy

d) is going to sell / will buy

4. “I’m sorry, I’ve made a mistake! I __________ (to do) it again!” “Oh, yes, you __________”.

a) won’t do / will

b) am not going to do / are doing it

c) am going to do / will

d) will do / will

5. They ______ (to organize) a charity event next month because they ______ (to raise) funds for the school in the upcoming period.

a) will organize / raise

b) are organizing / are raising

c) are going to organize / are raising

d) organize / are going to raise

6. “I can hear distant thunder! I think a storm _________ (to come)!” “Considering the sky, it ___________ (to rain) a lot.”

a) will come / will rain

b) is going to come / is raining

c) is coming / will rain

d)  is going to come / is going to rain

7. “It’s really hot!” “Indeed! I __________ (to open) the window.” “No, we ___________ (to turn on) the air conditioning.”

a) am going to open / are going to turn on

b) will open / will turn on

c) am going to open / are turning on

d) will open / are going to turn on

8. “Look at those cars! They ____________ (to crash)!” “Don’t worry, nobody _________ (to be hurt) at such a low speed.”

a) will crash / will be hurt

b) will crash / is hurt

c) are going to crash / is going to be hurt

d) are going to crash / hurts


1. It’s better to ask for help _____ to struggle for hours. If you finish your homework,  _____ call me and we can go to the park.

A) than, then

B) then, than

2. She wanted to _____ her hair purple, but she was afraid it might look like she would _____ soon.

A) die, dye

B) dye, die

3. There was a big _____ in the ground after the earthquake and the ______ village was there to see it.

A) hole, whole

B) whole, hole

4. He wants me to write an essay about _________ with him, but I don’t want to do it because everyone has their own ________ when it comes to writing.

A) peace, pace

B) pace, peace

5. He _____ the History exam with flying colors, while others had trouble remembering _____ events.

A) passed, past

B) past, passed

6. The _____ announced new policies today, which will have a _____ impact on the city’s development.

A) mayor, major

B) major, mayor

7. I’m considering buying a more ________ car to save money on fuel, especially with the current _________ uncertainty.

A) economic, economical

B) economical, economic

8. After buying the ingredients, she threw away the _________ and she started to look for the ________in her agenda.

A) recipe, receipt

B) receipt, recipe

9. Can you _____ me the book for a day? I forgot mine at home and I don’t want to _____ one from the library.

A) lend, borrow

B) borrow, lend