Present Simple / Present Continuous

  1. Stop making noise! I (work).
  2. I’m sorry, you can’t see him now. He (sleep).
  3. We can go now. It (not snow) any more.
  4. You (come) from Spain?
  5. He (work) in a shop.
  6. How often she (go) to the gym?
  7. I’m exhausted, I (go) to bed right now.
  8. She is on holiday this week. She (travel) to Italy.
  9. He is a taxi driver. He (drive) a taxi in Birmingham.
  10. My friend usually (do) a lot of housework.
  11. His sister usually (not do) anything to help him.
  12. Lucy (not drink) coffee so often.
  13. “What you (do)?” “I (try) to make a cake.”
  14. I hate living in England. It often (rain).
  15. She (not walk) to school today. She (use) her bike.
  16. His child rarely (cry).
  17. He (watch) Discovery regularly?
  18. Today it (be) hot. That’s why we (wear) T-shirts.
  19. Tom (not like) vegetables although they (be) healthy.
  20. His cousin (not listen) to music right now, he (be) busy with his homework.
  21. “What you (study)?” “Oh, I (read) a magazine…”
  22. What time he usually (wake up)?
  23. Where your grandparents (live)?
  24. Hurry up, please! Everybody (wait) for you now.
  25. The manager always (stay) at Hilton, but this time he (go) to the nearest resort.
  26. Normally he (finish) work at 5 p.m., but today he (work) until 6 p.m.
  27. Lucy (be) at the pool this moment; she (learn) to swim.
  28. It (not rain) very much in autumn in this region.
  29. It (take) me ten minutes to go to my dentist. How long it (take) to you?
  30. “you (be) ready?” “No, I just (cut) the bread.”
  31. Look! Jerry (swim)!

36 thoughts on “Present Simple / Present Continuous”

  1. 1. I am working.
    2. He are sleeping.
    3. It is not snowing any more.
    4. Do you came from Spain?
    5. He works in a shop.
    6. How often does she go to the gym?
    7. I’m exhausted, I am going to bed right now.
    8. She are traveling to Italy.
    9. He drives a taxi in Birmingham.
    10. My friend usually does a lot of housework.
    11. His sister usually does not do anything to help him.
    12. Lucy is not drinking coffee so often.
    13. “What you do?” “I am trying to make a cake.
    14. I hate living in England. It often rains.
    15. She are not walking to school today. She are usins her bike.
    16. His child rarely crys.
    17. Does he watch Discovery regularly?
    18. Today it is hot. That’s why we are wearing T-shirts.
    19. Tom does not likes vegetables although they are healthy.
    20. His cousin does not listening to music right now, he are busy with his homework.
    21. What do you study?” “Oh, I am reading a magazine…
    22. What time does he usually wake up?
    23. Where does your grandparents lives?
    24. Hurry up, please! Everybody are waiting for you now.
    25. The manager always stays at Hilton, but this time he are going to the nearest resort.
    26. Normally he finishs work at 5 p.m., but today he are working until 6 p.m.
    27. Lucy is at the pool this moment; she is learning to swim.
    28. It dose not rain very much in autumn in this region.
    29. It takes me ten minutes to go to my dentist. How long dose it take to you?
    30. “you are ready?” “No, I am just cuting the bread.”
    31. Look! Jerry are swiming!

    • 2. He are IS sleeping.
      Atentie la conjugarea verbului “to be”!!!

      8. She are IS traveling to Italy.
      conjugarea verbului “to be”!!!

      12. Lucy is not drinking DOESN’T DRINK coffee so often.
      Obs: “so often”= “asa de des” => e vorba de o actiune care se desfasoara (sau nu se desfasoara, in cazul nostru) cu o anumita regularitate, deci se foloseste Present Simple.

      13. “What you do ARE YOU DOING ?” “I am trying to make a cake.
      Obs.: Intreaba “ce faci?” nu intreaba “ce faci de obicei, cu ce te ocupi“, deci se intelege ca e vorba de momentul vorbirii; de altfel raspunsul l-ai dat cu Present Continuous. Nici nu poti intreba “ce faci de obicei” si sa raspunzi cu ce faci acum.
      In plus, nici nu ai respectat schema de Present Simple interogativ. (what do you do => daca se punea Present Simple)

      15. She are IS not walking to school today. She are usins IS USING her bike.
      Atentie la conjugare!

      16. His child rarely crys CRIES.
      Obs: “-y” final precedat de consoana se transforma in “-ie”.

      19. Tom does not likes like vegetables although they are healthy.
      Obs: la negativ verbul nu mai are terminatie.

      20. His cousin does not listening IS NOT LISTENING to music right now, he are IS busy with his homework.
      Obs: atentie la schema de la Present Continupus si la conjugarea lui “to be”.

      21. What do you study ARE YOU STUDYING?” “Oh, I am reading a magazine…
      Obs: aceeasi greseala ca la 13.

      23. Where does DO your grandparents lives LIVE?
      Obs: “grandparents” poate fi inlocuit cu pronumele “they”, la care se pune “do”;
      in plus, verbul nu are terminatie la nicio persoana in schema de interogativ.
      24. Hurry up, please! Everybody are IS waiting for you now.
      Obs: “everybody” cere “is”.

      25. The manager always stays at Hilton, but this time he are IS going to the nearest resort.

      26. Normally he finishs finishes work at 5 p.m., but today he are working until 6 p.m.
      Obs: verbele terminate in “-sh” primesc “-es” si NU “-s”.

      28. It dose DOES not rain very much in autumn in this region.
      Obs: ai grija la cum se scrie “does”
      29. It takes me ten minutes to go to my dentist. How long dose does it take to you?
      Obs: aceeasi greseala ca la 28.

      30. “you are ARE YOU ready?” “No, I am just cuting CUTTING the bread.”
      Obs: la interogativ verbul “to be” se inverseaza cu subiectul;
      – verbele scurte terminate in consoana-vocala-consoana (cut) dubleaza ultima litera la adaugarea terminatiei.

      31. Look! Jerry are IS swiming!
      Conjugarea lui “to be”, bat-o vina…

  2. la propozitia nr 17.He (watch) Discovery regularly? Ionut a scris asa: 17.Does he watch Discovery regularly?
    verbul watch nu ar fi trebuit scris corect watches? Din teorie reiese ca verbele terminate in grupul ch adauga sufixul es.

    • Verbele au terminatie “-s” sau “-es” numai la AFIRMATIV. Noi avem interogativ aici, iar schema este: DO/DOES + S + V (forma I)

    • Nu chiar 🙂 Propozitia a fost rezolvata corect de Ionut. Se foloseste Present Continuous pentru ca e vorba de o actiune aflata in desfasurare, iar schema este S + am/is/are + V-ing. => I am working.

  3. Buna seara. Am facut exercitiile postate de dumneavoastra.
    Daca aveti timp sa va uitati peste ele si sa-mi dati un feedback, v-asi fi recunoascatoare.

    Stop making noise! I am working.
    I’m sorry, you can’t see him now. He is sleeping.
    We can go now. It isn’t snowing any more.
    Are you coming from Spain? (nu reusesc sa-mi dau seama daca este un e final mut)
    He works in a shop.
    How often she goes to the gym?
    I’m exhausted, I am going to bed right now.
    She is on holiday this week. She is traveling to Italy.
    He is a taxi driver. He drives a taxi in Birmingham.
    My friend usually does a lot of housework.
    His sister usually doesn’t do anything to help him.
    Lucy doesn’t drink coffee so often.
    “What are you doing?” “I am trying to make a cake.”
    I hate living in England. It often rains.
    She isn’t walking to school today. She is using her bike.
    His child rarely crys.
    Do he watch Discovery regularly?
    Today it is hot. That’s why we are wearing T-shirts.
    Tom doesn’t like vegetables although they are healthy.
    His cousin is not listening to music right now, he is busy with his homework.
    “What are you studying?” “Oh, I am reading a magazine…”
    What time does he usually wake up?
    Where do your grandparents live?
    Hurry up, please! Everybody is waiting for you now.
    The manager always stays at Hilton, but this time he is going to the nearest resort.
    Normally he finishes work at 5 p.m., but today he is working until 6 p.m.
    Lucy is at the pool this moment; she is learning to swim.
    It doesn’t rain very much in autumn in this region.
    It takes me ten minutes to go to my dentist. How long does it take to you?
    “Are you ready?” “No, I am just cutting the bread.”
    Look! Jerry is swimming!

  4. Buna ziua,

    In primul rand vreau sa va multumesc pt explicatiile foarte bine exemplificate kr imi sunt d mareeee ajutor! Sunteti extraordinara!
    Indraznesc totusi sa va cer o lamurire cu privire la un exercitiu p kr l-am intalnit si nu mi-l explic d c. Acesta suna cam asa:
    ” I leave that flat at eight and walk to the university.”- de ce nu este PC dc act este programata d mine si este PS?
    “On Saturday afternoons I play tennis with my friends”- aceeasi problema.
    Ma puteti lamuri?

    Multumesc anticipat.

    • Este o actiune programata de tine, insa dupa cum vezi este repetata! Daca ar fi programata de tine si s-ar petrece doar acum, doar o data si ar avea nuanta de viitor, atunci da, ai pune Present COntinuous

    • Buna Carmen,
      Urmareste raspunsurile date de ionut si ce am corectat eu. Daca te uiti la datele la care s-a postat, Gabriela si Sandita au postat raspunsurile lor dupa ce am corectat eu. La Gabriela cred ca ai vazut scris gresit la 17.

    • aici nici eu nu inteleg!Actiunea se petrece in momentul as pune Pc dar aici se foloseste forma luiPS si verb la past simple
      .care e oare explicatia?

      • Este “do you come“, cealalta varianta, cu “came”, nici nu exista.
        Punem Present Simple daca sensul in care intrebam este “esti din Spania?” Daca am pune Present Continuous am intelege ca acum, in momentul acesta, tocmai vine din Spania… la propriu.

  5. Buna draga doamna , imi place mult cum explicati, si de aceea am si o intrebare pt a ma lamuri in legatura cu prezentul continuu….. Este adevarat ca verbele de perceptie ca: to hear, to smeel, to taste, to see nu au forma continua? Dar totusi daca da, cum e cu verbul to see pe care l-am intalnit la comtinuu : seeing ? Va multumesc mult pt placerea de-a impati cu noi pasiuna dumneavoastra!

    • Buna draga Emilia,
      Verbele de perceptie au sensuri multime. Atunci cand sunt cu sens de perceptie, nu au voie la forma continua, intr-adevar.
      De ex. “see” inseamna “a vedea” (a percepe cu ochiul), dar mai inseamna si “a se intalni”, iar in acest caz poate sta la un timp continuu.
      Am explicat fiecare verb in parte la Timpuri verbale – deosebiri intre Present Simple si Continuous.

  6. Buna ziua din nou draga doamna! Va multumesc mult pt lamurire dar iar am o neclaritate legata de exercitiul de mai sus si anume , la intrebarea 18 nu ar trebui sa fie tot prezent continuu daca are ” today” in prima propozitie? Bine inteles ca asa suna bine dar din cauza lui today nu reuseam sa dau raspunsul corect . Va multumesc mult!

    • Da, verbul “to be” are doar Present Simple, el are conjugarea lui separata. I am, you are, he is, she is, it is, we are, you are, they are.

    • Nu, Cata. Pentru forma de interogativ si negativ, terminatia specifica prezentului simplu la persoana a III a singular e preluata de verbul auxiliar “To do”, care apoi este urmat de forma de infinitiv scurt a verbului de conjugat. (Exemplu : Does she go there every day? sau He does not/doesn’t like my cake.)

  7. la propozitia 4..
    sensul in care este formulata propozitia este putin ambiguu…consider eu … pentru ca do you come from Spain poate insemna . vii din Spania… si atunci pare a se folosi present continous….. ma gandesc ca daca vreau sa intreb de unde este ar trebui formulat in engleza cam asa” are you from Spain?”

    • Se poate spune in ambele feluri. Din timpul cu care formulezi propozitia interlocutorul isi da seama daca esti din Spania sau daca in momentul asta doar vii de acolo.
      Si in romana avem 2 moduri de a spune: “Vine din Spania.” / “Este din Spania.”

  8. Bună, dragă Mădălina. Îți mulțumesc mult pentru acest site și te rog să-mi corectezi propozițiile. Mulțumesc anticipat. 🙂

    1. I am working.
    2. He is sleeping.
    3. It is not snowing anymore.
    4. Do you come from Spain?
    5.He works in a shop.
    6.How often does she go to the gym?
    7. I’m exhausted, I am going to bed right now.
    8. She is on holiday this week. She is travelling to Italy.
    9. He is a taxi driver. He drives a taxi in Birmingham.
    10. My friend usually does a lot of housework.
    11. His sister usually doesn’t do/does not do anything to help him.
    12. Lucy does not drink/doesn’t drink coffee so often.
    13. “What are you doing?” “I am trying to make a cake.”
    14. I hate living in England. It often rains.
    15. She is not walking to school today. She is using her bike.
    16. His child rarely cries.
    17. Does he watch Discovery regularly?
    18.Today it is hot. That’s why we are wearing T-shirts.
    19. Tom doesn’t like/does not like vegetables although they are healthy.
    20. His cousin is not listening to music right now, he is busy with his homework.
    21.“What are you studying?” “Oh, I am reading a magazine…”
    22. What time does he usually wake up?
    23. Where do your grandparents live?
    24. Hurry up, please! Everybody is waiting for you now.
    25. The manager always stays at Hilton, but this time he is going to the nearest resort.
    26. Normally he finishes work at 5 p.m., but today he is working until 6 p.m.
    27. Lucy is at the pool this moment; she is learning to swim.
    28. It does not rain/ doesn’t rain very much in autumn in this region.
    29. It takes me ten minutes to go to my dentist. How long does it take to you?
    30.“Are you ready?” “No, I am just cutting the bread.”
    31. Look! Jerry is swimming!


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