Tradu in limba romana:
1. Pe cine cunosti?
2. A cui este masina aceea?
3. De unde are ea geanta?
4. Despre ce vorbesc de obicei cei doi prieteni?
5. Cand trebuie sa terminam proiectul?
6. Cata cafea e necesara pentru protocol?
7. La ce carti te referi?
8. Cat de des se intampla?
9. Cine te cunoaste?
10. Ce se intampla in fiecare vara in locul asta ciudat?
11. De ce se intampla asa un lucru oribil in orasul nostru in fiecare an?
12. Cat de departe sunt pregatiti sa mearga?
13. La ce ora ar trebui sa soseasca participantii?
14. De cata paini are nevoie?
15. Pentru ce e dispozitivul acela?
16. Ce tipuri de profesionisti sunt la intalnire?
Vezi explicatia si rezolvarea in videoclip:
1. Who do you know?
2. Whose car is that ?
3. Where does she have the bag from ?
4. What do the two friends usually talk about ?
5. When should we finish the project ?
6. How much coffee is necessary for the protocol ?
7. What books are you referring at?
8. How often does it happen?
9. Who knows you?
10. What does it happen in this strange place every summer?
11.Why does it happen a terrible thing in our town every year ?
12. How far do they ready to go?
13. What time should participants to arrive ?
14. Hom much bread does she need ?
15. What is that device for ?
16. What types of professionals are at the meeting ?
Foarte prompt esti in rezolvari, Sorin 🙂
Avem cate ceva de ajustat:
5. should = ar trebui; have to/ must = trebuie
6. nu avem subiect 🙂
7. refer TO
10. WHAT este intotdeauna subiect in combinatia “what” + “happen”(la orice timp), deci nu se mai aplica schema de interogativ, ci de afirmativ
11. aici nu “it” este subiect, avem deja un subiect 🙂
12. “ready” nu e verb
13. “should” e verb modal, deci fara “to” la verbul urmator
16. unde-i bau-baul de subiect? 🙂
1. Who do you know?
2. Whose car is that?
3. Where did she get the bag?
4. What do the two friends usually talk about?
5. When do we have to finish the project?
6. How much coffee is needed for the protocol?
7. What books are you referring to?
8. How often does it happen?
9. Who knows you?
10. What happens every summer in this strange place?
11. Why does such a horrible thing happen in our town every year?
12. How far are they prepared to go?
13. What time should the participants arrive?
14. How much bread does he need?
15. What is that device for?
16. What types of professionals are at the meeting?
Liliana draga, mereu esti la post cu engleza 🙂
E foarte bine ce ai scris, doar sa ne uitam un pic la urmatoarele lucruri:
3. ce-ai zis tu ar insemna cam “De unde a luat geanta?”
6. dragut, te-ai dus intr-o pasiva 🙂 Ar fi ok si asa, depinde in ce ton vreau sa vorbesc – pentru formal merge pasiva, atlfel punem activa, o sa vezi in video
16. unde-i subiectul?