Timpuri verbale Present Simple Present Continuous Present Simple/Continuous (diferente) Past Simple Past Continuous Past Simple/Continuous (deosebiri) Present Perfect Simple Present Perfect Simple/Past Simple (deosebiri) Present Perfect Continuous Present Perfect Simple/Present Perfect Continuous (deosebiri) Past Perfect Simple Past Perfect Continuous “Going to” Future Future Simple Going to Future/Fuure Simple (deosebiri) Future Continuous Future Perfect Simple Future-in-the-Past Metoda de folosire a timpurilor in conversatie Modalitati de exprimare a viitorului
buna,Madalina.cu ceva despre :classes of verbs that can take both an infinitive and a gerund as their complement” ne poti ajuta? Reply
buna,Madalina.cu ceva despre :classes of verbs that can take both an infinitive and a gerund as their complement” ne poti ajuta?
despre asta as vrea si eu sa aflu mai multe