1. There _______ some money in the drawer, could you bring ________ to me, please?

a) are / them

b) is / it

c) are / it

d) is / them

2. I don’t remember if I have ________bread or if I need to buy _________.

a) a / one

b) any / a loaf of

c) any / a loaf

d) one / a loaf of

3. The engineer gave us so __________________ that I’m wondering where he knows _______ from.

a) much information / them

b) many informations / them

c) much information / it

d) many information / it

4. All our luggage ______ still in front of the door because we had just come back and we didn’t want to bring ______  inside because _______ dirty.

a) was / it / it was

b) were / them / they were

c) was / them / was

d) was / it / was

5. My daughter has _____________ and she’s waiting for me to give her ___________ on          .

a) a lot of homeworks / some advice / them

b) much homework / advices / it

c) much homework / advice / them

d) a lot of homework / some advice / it

6. All the news she’s bringing _____only what other people think and ________ true.

a) are / they aren’t

b) is / it isn’t

c) are / aren’t

d) is / isn’t

7. _________ people consider they don’t have _________ for themselves.

a) many time / times

b) much times / time

c) many times / time

d) much time / times

8. I’d like to eat ________________every day, but because it’s too much, I only eat ______________from the box that I have.

a) a bar of chocolate / three chocolates

b) a chocolate / three chocolates

c) a bar of chocolate / three bars of chocolate

d) a chocolate / three bars of chocolate

9.  The chef doesn’t allow long _________because he doesn’t want his clients to complain about _________ in their food.

a) hairs / hairs

b) hairs / hair

c) hair / hair

d) hair / hairs

12 thoughts on “Substantive nenumarabile”

    • 1. “money” este substantiv nenumarabil, deci nu poate fi folosit cu nimic la plural; daca te ajuta, te poti gandi la un substantiv numarabil, ex. “sugar” si te gandesti ce folosesti cu acesta. Merge oare “the sugar are..”?
      2. punem si “of” daca avem o continuare, un substantiv dupa el
      3.”information” este substantiv nenumarabil, deci nu are voie cu “-s”, la fel ca “sugar” 🙂
      4. “luggage” este substantiv nenumarabil… la fel ca mai sus
      9. “hairs” = fire de par (chiar nu te poti trezi cu tot parul in farfurie 🙂 sper )

    • Foarte bune, Dorina! O singura exceptie avem:

      8 – teoretic ar fi ok gramatical, dar ai tradus propozitia ca sa vezi logica? 🙂 Adica as manca o ciocolata, dar pentru ca e prea mult, mananc trei? 🙂

    • Petra draga, felicitari ca lucrezi!
      Avem 4 victime 🙂

      4. in fata fiecarui verb ne trebuie un subiect; la d). avem subiect aferent ultimului verb?
      7. much time = mult timp; many times = de multe ori
      8. gramatical ar fi corect, dar logic este? 🙂 As manca o ciocolata, dar pentru ca e prea mult, mananc trei?
      9. “hairs” = fire de par; de regula, daca esti ghinionist, intr-o farfurie gasesti un fir, doua…de par 🙂

    • Buna Antoaneta,
      Si scuze ca v-am dat mura in gura la pct 6, ca mi-a scapat rezolvat 🙂

      4.avem subiect in fata ultimului verb la pct d) ?
      8.nu-mi vine sa cred ca toti ati picat in capcana asta :))) Ai fost atenta la logica? As manca o ciocolata, dar pentru ca e prea mult, mananc trei? “chocolates” = bomboane de ciocolata

      • Buna, Madalina!
        Daa, logica mea îmi spune că indiferent câtă ciocolată mănânc, tot nu e suficient. :))
        Ok, am înțeles ideea. Dacă ar fi să explic cum am gândit și să răspund la întrebarea ta, e că “a chocolate” = am tradus ca o ciocolată întreagă, o tabletă întreagă (ex. de 100 gr), iar “three bars of chocolate” = trei bucățele/pătrățele din întreaga tabletă…:)


        • Buna, Antoaneta!
          :)) da, da, e buna logica ta cu mancatul ciocolatei 🙂
          three pieces of chocolate = 3 bucatele/patratele…de ciocolata

    • Felicitari, constiincios ca de obicei!

      4. la d) lipseste subiectul din fata verbului
      8. Ai fost atent la logica? As manca o ciocolata, dar pentru ca e prea mult, mananc trei? “chocolates” = bomboane de ciocolata
      9. “hairs” = fire de par; intr-o farfurie gasesti un fir, doua…de par


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