Pronume Test Grila

1. Why are you giving ______ the flowers? Give ____ to _____!

a) his / it / her

b) him / it / her

c) him / them / her

2. It’s ____ new bike and he doesn’t want to give _____ to _____.

a) his / it / them

b) him / it / they

c) his / its / their

3. These books are for _____, not for _____.

a) we / mine

b) us / my

c) us / me

4. ______ hair is longer than ______.

a) hers / mine

b) her / mine

c) her / my

5. “Which pen is _____?” “This one is _____, the other one is _____.”

a) your / my / his

b) yours / mine / his

c) yours / mine / him

6. _____ Jeep is expensive and ______ colour is black.

a) Their / its

b) Their / it’s

c) Theirs / its

7. He always goes to work with ____ and _____.

a) we / they

b) us / they

c) us / them

8. Don’t give _____ the project, give _____ to ______!

a) his / its / their

b) him / it / them

c)  him / it / they

10 thoughts on “Pronume Test Grila”

    • Bine ai venit cu rezolvarile tale, felicitari!
      Hai sa ne uitam putin la urmatoarele:
      2 – sa facem diferenta, de ex., intre “lor” – posesiv si “lor” care nu este posesiv (ca sa pastram niste termeni simpli)
      their = lor (posesiv); them = lor (NU e posesiv)
      6 – their = lor; theirs = al lor, deci “their” trebuie musai urmat de un adjectiv, deci nu putem avea raspuns c)
      8 – facem diferenta intre “lui” si “lor” – posesive sau nu
      his = lui (posesiv)
      their = lor (posesiv)
      Nu ii da lui proiectul, da-li-l lor! => Nici “lui”, nici “lor” nu sunt posesive aici, deci nu poate fi a)

    • Felicitari, Petra, doar un singur raspuns sclintit 🙂

      7 – doar “they” poate fi subiect, iar “intotdeauna merge la lucru cu noi si cu ei” NU are “ei” ca subiect (raspunde la “cu cine merge?”)
      La fel ca si cu “us”, care este “us” pentru ca, nefiind pe locul subiectului, nu poate fi “we”.
      Poate ai gresit din neatentie si repezeala 🙂

    • Buna, Antoaneta!

      Felicitari, ai doar o singura problema in raspunsuri: la 7, unde “they” poate fi doar subiect, iar “intotdeauna merge la lucru cu noi si cu ei” NU are “ei” ca subiect (raspunde la “cu cine merge?”)
      La fel ca si cu “us”, care este “us” pentru ca, nefiind pe locul subiectului, nu poate fi “we”.


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