Prepozitii test grila

1. Did you hear that interesting story ___ TV ___ your stay at the hotel?

a) on / during

b) on / while

c) at / while

d) at / during

2. She decided to go ___ a diet ___ an hour of discussions about her health goals.

a) for / after

b) on / during

c) for / during

d) on / after

3. Our colleague told us he would explain how the programme worked ____ an hour _____ that specific day.

a) during / in

b) for / on

c) since / on

d) for / in

4. We were talking ____ the phone when the receptionist mentioned that I had to pay ____ card.

a) on / by

b) on / with

c) at / with

d) at by

5. My former colleague was _____ the train when he saw me ____accident.

a) in / from

b) on / by

c) on / from

d) in / by

6. _________ their stay abroad, the whole team had to face the most impossible issues ________ that company.

a) while / in

b) during / from

c) while / from

d) during / in

7. The nurse had been waiting for them in the office ____ some time, because she didn’t know they had been waiting outside ______ they got there.

a) for / when

b) since / for

c) for / since

d) about / since

8. They were working ____ the morning and _____ the afternoon and they were studying ______ night.

a) – / – / at

b) – / – / –

c) in / in / at

d) in / in / in

9. I usually watch ______TV _____ night, but I didn’t watch that film ________ TV.

a) – / at / on

b) – / at / –

c) on / at / on

d) at / in / at

10. ____ she  was  ______ the plane , she decided to go ____ holiday exactly ______that flight.

a) during / on  / in / while

b) while / in / in / during

c) while / in / to / during

d) while / on /on / during

19 thoughts on “Prepozitii test grila”

    • Bine ai venit cu rezolvarile tale, Cristi!
      Raspunsurile bune sunt la: 2,3,7,10
      Te rog sa urmaresti explicatia din videoclipul cu rezolvari care urmeaza, ca sa intelegi ce prepozitii folosim la celelalte, iar daca e ceva neclar, te astept cu intrebari.

    • Bine ai revenit cu rezolvarile tale, Constantin!
      Raspunsurile bune sunt la: 1,6,8
      Stiu ca e greu cu prepozitiile…si eu am fost in aceeasi pozitie:)
      Te rog sa urmaresti explicatia din videoclipul cu rezolvari care urmeaza, ca sa intelegi ce prepozitii folosim la celelalte, iar daca e ceva neclar, te astept cu intrebari.

    • Bine ai venit cu raspunsurile tale, Mirela!
      Corecte sunt: 1,4,6,8,9,10
      Te rog sa urmaresti explicatia din videoclipul cu rezolvari care urmeaza, ca sa intelegi ce prepozitii folosim la celelalte, iar daca e ceva neclar, te astept cu intrebari.


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