Adjective sau Adverbe

1. Even though he is well-built, he can _______ carry that bag.

a). hardly

b). hard

c). harder

d) hardest

2. I hate those ________ meetings, I always arrive home __________.

a) late / lately

b) lately / late

c) late / late

d) lately/ lately

3. My mother’s _________ baked cakes always taste _________.

b) fresh / deliciously

c) freshly / delicious

d) freshly / deliciously

4. He sleeps __________; he’s ___________ tired.

a) less and less / extremely

b) little and little / extremely

c) less and less / extreme

d) more and more little / extremely

5. They spoke to their employees__________ because they weren’t working _________.

a) more angry / well

b) more angrily / well

c) angrier / well

d) angrily / good

6. I’m trying to write this exercise ________, so that I can go out _________.

a) fastly / fastly

b) fastly / fast

c) fast / fast

d) fast / fastly

7. I ________ advise you not to eat that food because it smells _________.

a) strong / horribly

b) strongly / horribly

c) strong / horrible

d) strongly / horrible

8. The wind was blowing _______ while she was walking and thinking about getting a ______ specialized position so that she could buy a car.

a) hardly / highly

b) hardly / high

c) hard / high

d) hard / highly

8 thoughts on “Adjective sau Adverbe”

    • Buna, Antoaneta!
      Felicitari pentru ca lucrezi! Hai sa ne uitam la doua intre ele:
      5 – nu lucrau bine…deci adverb
      8 – “specialized” este adjectiv, deci ai nevoie din nou de adverb pentru a caracteriza acel adjectiv

    • Ia sa mai invatam ceva:
      4 – nu exista “more and more little” pentru ca “little” are alte grade de comparatie (less = mai putin)
      5 – ar fi bun “angrier” daca nu ne-ar trebui adverb, ca ne arata modul in care se petrece actiunea
      6 – “fast” este si adjectiv si adverb
      7 – “horrible” caracterizeaza “food”, nu felul in care se intampla actiunea 🙂
      8 – “specialized” este adjectiv, deci ai nevoie de adverb pentru a caracteriza acel adjectiv

    • E foarte bine ca lucurezi si poti invata din greseli, nu fii suparata de cele doua:
      3 – “proaspat coapte”, deci “proaspat” caracterizeaza un adjectiv, ceea ce inseamna ca trebuie adverb (freshly)
      “delicios” caracterizeaza prajitura, nu modul in care se petrece o actiune.

      8 – “specialized” este adjectiv, deci ai nevoie de adverb ca sa caracterizeze acel adjectiv; e ca si cum am zice “inalt specializat” (foarte specializat)

    • E foarte bine, doar cu o singura precizare:
      8 – “specialized” este adjectiv, deci ai nevoie de adverb ca sa caracterizeze acel adjectiv (sau, cum se spune in gramatica, sa-l modifice); e ca si cum am zice “inalt specializat” (foarte specializat)


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