Phrasal Verbs Practice

1. We were supposed to meet at 7 p.m., but he didn’t _______ until 9 p.m. After the event, I had to _______ his offer for coffee because it was too late.

a) turn up / turn off

b) turn up / turn down

c) turn on / turn up

d) turn off / turn down

2. I had to _______ the lights to see clearly in the room. After a few hours in the hotel room, I remembered to _______ the TV before leaving for the city centre.

a) turn up / turn off

b) turn on / turn off

c) turn on / turn down

d) turn up / turn off

3. She tried to _______ the strange noise coming from her attic, but while doing so, she realized she had to _______ her keys, which she had lost earlier.

a) look into / look for

b) look for / look into

c) look after / look for

d) look up / look into

4. She didn’t want to _______ the bus because she suffers from motion sickness. That was why she ________ the car and drove so many miles, being late for the meeting.

a) got on / got on

b) get on / get in

c) get off / get on

d) get on / got in

5. While the plane _________, I thought I needed to _______ a new hobby to relax after work.

a) was taking off / take up

b) was taking up / take on

c) was getting off / get on

d) was taking down / get up

6. Although I tried to _______ the toilet before the cabin crew prepared landing, I couldn’t. Besides, I had to _______ the plane later than the other passengers.

a) get out of / get off

b) get off / get out of

c) get into / get off

d) get out of / get into

7. You should always _______ when crossing the road, and don’t forget to _______ your younger brothers when they are with you.

a) look after / look out

b) look out / look after

c) look out / look for

d) look up / look out

8. I _______ my brother because he’s always been responsible, and he taught me how to _______ myself properly in challenging situations.

a) look after / look for

b) look out / look after

c) look up to / look after

d) look for / look up

10 thoughts on “Phrasal Verbs Practice”

    • Felicitari, Sorin, foarte bine!
      Sa fim atenti la logica ultimei propozitii – cum sa am grija de fratele meu daca el mereu a fost responsabil si el m-a invatat pe mine ….? 🙂

    • Felicitari pentru toata munca ta, Adina!
      Hai sa vedem cum e logic aici:
      3 – nu cred ca am cum sa caut fizic, efectiv, un zgomot, poate sa caut sursa lui…pot cerceta un zgomot mai degraba…zic 🙂
      7 – iti cauti fratii daca sunt cu tine?
      8 – zice ca fratele a fost mereu responsabil si ca el m-a invatat pe mine, deci nu e cazul sa mai am eu grija de el

    • Buna Antoaneta! Si felicitari pentru ca mereu lucrezi si postezi 🙂

      2 – cand aprinzi luminile zici “turn on”
      6 – mai degraba sa poata iesi din toaleta, avand in vedere ca se pregateste aterizarea
      8 – imi caut fratele…m-a invatat sa ma uit cu admiratie la mine insumi….nu prea are sens

    • Hei, Steliana!
      Bine ai venit cu rezolvarile tale!

      3 – te uiti admirativ la un zgomot? Cercetezi cheile?
      8 – “look out for” daca ar fi sa am grija de frate, dar oricum zice ca el mereu a fost responsabil, deci nici logic nu s-ar potrivi


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