Alege varianta potrivita:
1. I can’t/ can/ couldn’t swim, but at least I can try.
2. You shouldn’t/ can’t/ mustn’t smoke in this restaurant.
3. You may/must/need to take a break now if you want.
4. When he was younger, he might/ should/ could walk 10 km a day.
5. They may/ might/ could have arrived, but I’m not sure at all!
6. Your grandpa must/can/should be working in the garden… he isn’t answering the land line.
7. I’m sure it wasn’t her, she mustn’t/ can’t/ shouldn’t have done it!
8. Wait for me there, please, I need/ may/ must be a few minutes late!
9. I’m sorry, the manager has just left. You must/ should/ could have come earlier.
10. Students must/ can/ may do that, this is the rule in our university.
11. If you play so well, you will can/ will be able to/ will be able win the next championship.
12. You mustn’t/ needn’t/ can’t have bought bread! Now we have too much.
Vezi rezolvarea in videoclip:
1. I couldn’t swim, but at least I can try.
2. You mustn’t smoke in this restaurant.
3. You may take a break now if you want.
4. When he was younger, he could walk 10 km a day.
5. They might have arrived, but I’m not sure at all!
6. Your grandpa should be working in the garden… he isn’t answering the land line.
7. I’m sure it wasn’t her, she shouldn’t thave done it!
8. Wait for me there, please, I may be a few minutes late!
9. I’m sorry, the manager has just left. You should have come earlier.
10. Students must do that, this is the rule in our university.
11. If you play so well, you will be able to win the next championship.
12. You can’t have bought bread! Now we have too much.
Felicitari, esti chiar primul 🙂
1. Verbul din a doua propozitie (can) este la prezent, asa ca nu avem “could”, ci “can’t”
6. Pornim de la traducere, ca sa intelegem ce-i acolo….”nu raspunde la telefonul fi”, asta inseamna ca “sigur munceste in gradina”. Cu “should” spunem ce ar trebui/ar fi trebuit sa se intampla. Cu “must” exprimam certitudinea ca se intampla asa – “SIGUR munceste in gradina” (de asta nu raspunde la fix)
7. – “Sunt sigur ca nu a fost ea…” Avem o certitudine ca NU s-a intamplat intr-un fel, care se exprima cu “can’t” => “she can’t have done it” (sigur nu a facut-o ea)
12. Propozitia a doua ne lamureste: Acum avem prea multa (paine), deci am cumparat si nu era nevoie, pentru ca aveam deja. Cand faci ceva ce nu e nevoie sa faci, folosesti “need” => You needn’t have bought bread!
Restul sunt foarte bine, felicitari 🙂
1. I can’t/ swim, but at least I can try.
2. You shouldn’t/ smoke in this restaurant.
3. You may/ to take a break now if you want.
4. When he was younger, could walk 10 km a day.
5. They could have arrived, but I’m not sure at all!
6. Your grandpa can be working in the garden… he isn’t answering the land line.
7. I’m sure it wasn’t her, she / can’t have done it! ( couldn’t have done)
8. Wait for me there, please, I may/be a few minutes late!
9. I’m sorry, the manager has just left. You should/ have come earlier.
10. Students must/ do that, this is the rule in our university.
11. If you play so well, you will be able to win the next championship.
12. You needn’t/ have bought bread! Now we have too much.
Carmen, foarte bine! Doar la 3 propozitii avem de indreptat:
2. aici nu dam sfaturi si stim cu totii ca nu avem voie sa fumam inauntru, deci e vorba de o regula => mustn’t
3. da, dar fara “to”, banuiesc ca ti-a ramas de la verbul dinainte
5. …”but I’m not sure at all” este foarte importanta ca precizare, imi sugereaza o totala nesiguranta, ceea ce se exprima cu “might”
“could have arrived” ar inseamna ca ar fi putut sa faca ceva, dar n-a vrut sau a ales sa n-o faca
6. Bunicul sigur lucreaza in gradina pentru ca nu raspunde la telefonul fix – adica sigur se intampla o chestie => must
1. I can’t swim, but at least I can try.
2. You shouldn’t smoke in this restaurant.
3. You need to take a break now if you want.
4. When he was younger, he could walk 10 km a day.
5. They could have arrived, but I’m not sure at all!
6. Your grandpa must be working in the garden… he isn’t answering the landline.
7. I’m sure it wasn’t her, she can’t have done it!
8. Wait for me there, please, I must be a few minutes late!
9. I’m sorry, the manager has just left. You must/ should/ could have come earlier.
10. Students must do that, this is the rule in our university.
11. If you play so well, you can win the next championship.
12. You mustn’t have bought bread! Now we have too much
Felicitari pentru rezolvare!
Cred ca am luat-o un pic inainte cu rezolvarea si deja ai vazut explicatia in videoclip 🙂
3. N-ar avea logica sa traducem “ai nevoie sa iei o pauza daca vrei”, mai degraba zicem “POTI/AI VOIE sa iei o pauza daca vrei”. Uneori “need” se traduce cu “trebuie”, dar nu e “trebuie” pentru ca “trebuie”, e cu sens de “a fi/ a avea nevoie” 🙂
5. “could have arrived” ar inseamna ca ar fi putut sa faca ceva, dar n-a vrut sau a ales sa n-o faca.
Traducem “S-AR FI PUTUT sa ajunga…”, exprimam o posibilitate. => might (pentru ca e ceva foarte nesigur)
8. “Trebuie sa intarzii”? Nu prea avem regula/lege/regulament si nici nu vreau sa transmit ca intarzii pentru ca asa vreau eu 🙂 Ca urmare este “may” = s-ar putea
11. Nu aveam varianta cu “can”, care ar fi fost corecta. Dintre variantele date avem inlocuitorul lui “can” pentru viitor – will be able to”
12. “Nu era nevoie / nu era cazul…” Adica ai facut o chestie care nu era necesara, caz in care se pune S + needn’t have + V(III)