Adjectiv sau Adverb?

Tradu in limba engleza:

1. Era evident ca faceati progrese evidente.

2. Cu siguranta, postul acela i-a dat o anumita stabilitate financiara.

3. A deschis fereastra larg sa simta aerul proaspat al muntilor, dar apoi a inchis-o repede pentru ca incepuse sa simta frigul.

4. Ma simt rau sa va cer propozitii traduse corect, cand propozitiile mele sunt dificile si sunt sigura ca le veti traduce cu dificultate.

5. Asa o persoana muncitoare poate munci din greu timp de opt ore, in timp ce un angajat lenes abia munceste timp de patru ore.

6. Deodata, a fost un zgomot teribil cand raftul s-a rupt si teancul de carti a cazut peste el lovindu-l rau in cap.

7 Sunt perfect constienti ca o relatie perfecta se construieste pe respect reciproc, asa ca se sustin reciproc ori de cate ori este posibil.

8. Ai putut deschide sticla de sampanie usor sau a fost mai usor pentru tine sa rogi pe altcineva sa o faca?

9. Te rog, fiti student buni si incercati sa traduceti propozitiile bine J

10.  Stiu ca vreti sa invatati repede, dar, din pacate, nu am o solutie rapida pentru voi.


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8 thoughts on “Adjectiv sau Adverb?”

  1. 1. It was obvious that you were making obviously progress.
    2. Certainly, that position gave him some financial stability.
    3. She opened the window wide to feel the fresh air of the mountains, but then she closed it quickly, because she had begun to feel the cold.
    4. I feel bad for asking you correctly translated sentences, when my sentences are difficult and I am sure you will translate them difficult.
    5. Such a hard working person can work hard for eight hours, while a lazy employee barely works for four hours.
    6. Suddenly, there was a terrible noise when the shelf broke and the stack of books fell on him, hitting him hard on the head.
    7. They are perfectly aware that a perfect relationship is built on mutual respect, so they support each other whenever possible.
    8. Could you open the champagne bottle easily or was it easier for you to ask someone else to do it?
    9. Please, be a good student and try to translate the sentences, well.
    10. I know you want to learn quick/fast, but unfortunately, I don’t have a quickly solution for you.

    • Felicitari, Liliana! Ai fost si prima 🙂 E foarte bine in marea majoritate, doar cateva lucruri sa-ti explic:

      1. …obvious progress (ce fel de progrese? evidente – intrebarea se pune la substantiv, deci ne trebuie adjectiv)
      4. …translate them difficultly (cum sa traduceti? cu dificultate, deci se refera la modul cum se intampla actiunea => adverb)
      10. …learn quickly (cum sa inveti? repede, deci se refera la modul cum se intampla actiunea => adverb). Sau putem alege “fast”, tot ca si adverb.

      Felicitari pentru toata munca ta, nu doar de aici, ci mereu!

  2. 1. It was obvious that you were making obvious progress.
    2. Certainly, that position gave him some financial stability.
    3. She opened the window wide to feel the fresh air of the mountains, but then she closed it quickly because she had begun to feel the cold.
    4. I feel bad for asking you correctly to translate sentences when my sentences are difficult and I’m sure you will translate them difficult.
    5. Such a hard worker person can work hard for eight hours, while a lazy employee barely works for four hours.
    6. Suddenly, there was a terrible noise when the shelf broke and the stack of books fell on him, hitting him hard on the head.
    7. They are perfectly aware that a perfect relationship is built on mutual respect, so they support each other whenever possible.
    8. Could you open the champagne bottle easily or was it easier for you to ask someone else to do it?
    9. Please, be a good student and try to translate the sentences, well.
    10. I know you want to learn fast but, unfortunately, I don’t have a quick solution for you.

    • Felicitari, Diana! Sunt putine lucruri de corectat:

      4. …translate them difficultly (cum sa traduceti? cu dificultate, deci se refera la modul cum se intampla actiunea => adverb)
      Si aici mai este ceva – correctly translated (tradus=translated)
      5 – hard working (“worker” este substantiv, aici sensul este “o persoana care lucreaza”)

  3. 1. It was obvious that you were makink obvious progress.
    2. Certainly that position gave him a certain financial stability.
    3. He opened the window widely to feel the fresh air of the mountains, but then he closed it quickly because he had started to feel cold.
    4. I feel bad to ask for correct translated sentences when my sentences are difficult and i m sure you will translate them difficultly.
    5. Such a hard working person can workhard for eight hours while a lazy employeehardly works for only for hours.
    6. Suddenly there was a terrible noise when the shelf broke and the pile of books fell over him hitting him badly in his head.
    7. They are perfect aware of the fact that a perfect relationship is built on mutual respect, so they mutualy support each other whenever it is possible.
    8. Could you open the bottle of champagne easily or it was easy for you to ask someboddy else to do it ?
    9. Please be good students and try to translate the sentences good.
    10. I know you want to learn quickly, but unfortunately, I don t have a quick solution for you.

    Mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata !


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