
1. _____ Sahara is _____ largest hot desert in _____ world.

a) The / the / the

b) A / the / the

c) The / a / the

2. _____ Mount Everest is located in _____ Himalayas.

a) – / the

b) A / the

c) The / a

3. I’m sorry I can’t eat this… it’s not that I don’t like ______ breakfast, but I don’t usually eat ________ breakfast.

a).  the / the

b). a / the

c). the / –

4. I’m going to _____ market to buy _____ fresh vegetables for dinner.

a) the / the

b) the / –

c) the / a

5. She wanted to read _____ book; this is why she’s reading _____ book I recommended.

a) a / the

b) the / a

c) the / the

6. I would rather live in ________ UK than in ________ America.

a) – / –

b) the / the

c) the / –

7. Her cousin is preparing to become _______  student  even though his parents would like him to be _______ employee in their family business.

a) – / –

b) a / an

c) a / the

8. Our father is trying to speak ________ German, but _________ German he speaks sounds terrible.

a) – / –

b) the / the

c) – / the

9. The boy couldn’t find _____schoolbag and his mother went to _______ bed to see if it was under it.

a) the / –

b) the / the

c) – / –

10. Who wouldn’t like to see ______ Azores in ______ Atlantic, or even ____ Bali in ____ Indian Ocean?

a) – / the / – / the

b) the / the / – / the

c) – / – / – / –

10 thoughts on “Articole”

    • Felicitari, chiar foarte bine! O singura precizare, la 9 avem expresia “go to bed” (a merge la culcare), dar aici nu e vorba de asta.

  1. 1.a
    3.b as pune nici o optiune -nu ar trebui sa avem regula cu ;;the”nu se pune in fata cand e mentionat scopul pt care a fost conceput ”I’m going to market to buy fresh vegetables for dinner …market este conceput pentru cumparaturi

    • E bine, Adina si chiar foarte bine ca pui intrebari si nu dai cu presupusul! Ma ajuta si pe mine sa vad ce trebuie sa explic 🙂

      3 – prima referire este la acel mic dejun, apoi vorbeste de a lua micul dejun in general
      4 – sunt doar cateva cazuri in care se aplica, intr-adevar, regula de care zici, iar “go to market” nu intra in categoria respectiva 🙂
      7. – substantivele care arata o meserie sau ocupatie sunt precedate de “a/an”

    • Foarte bine, Petra, doar o problema avem si traducerea e mama raspunsurilor corecte :)) … ca sa ne dam seama de logica propozitiilor 🙂
      5 – “a vrut sa citeasca o carte, de aceea citeste cartea pe care i-am recomandat-o”


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