Tradu in engleza:
1. Are atata atentie cat crede ca are nevoie.
2. E cea mai ingusta strada pe care am vazut-o vreodata.
3. Pentru asistenta suplimentara, va rugam sa ne contactati pe emailul nostru.
4. Ai ascultat ultimul album al lui Justin Bieber?
5. Ce zic altii e cea mai mica grija a mea.
6. Poti sa ai vreodata atatia bani cati ti-ai dori?
7. Creierul uman s-a dovedit din ce in ce mai fascinant.
8. Iarna, zilele devin din ce in ce mai scurte.
9. Cu cat sunt mai aproape vacantele, cu atat mai nerabdatori devin elevii.
10. Daca te hotarasti sa iei permis de conducere, atunci cu atat mai bine.
Vezi rezolvarea in videoclip:
1. He has as much attention, as think he needs.
2. It s the narrowest street have you ever seen it.
3.For additional assistance, please contact us on our e-mail.
4. Have you listened to the last album of Justin Bieber ?
5. What others say is the least concern of mine.
6.Can you ever have as much money as you want?
7.Human brain has proved more and more fascinating.
8.Winter, days get shorter and shorter.
9.The closer the vacantion are, the more impaciently become the children.
10. If you decide to take the licence driver, then better is.
Sorin, te felicit pentru faptul ca lucrezi si ca te stradui sa traduci!
La gramatica mai este de lucrat, dar in general gradele de comparatie sunt folosite bine.
Avem cateva ajustari:
3. – further assistance – e un mod de a spune
4 – the latest album (ultimul, adica cel mai nou; “last” ar insemna ca nu mai exista altul dupa, iar Justin Bieber sigur mai vrea 🙂 )
5. – so much the better = cu atat mai bine (este o expresie)
1.She has as attention as she things she needs.
2.This is the narrowest street, I have ever seen it.
3.For more assistance, please contact us on our email.
4.Have you listened to the latest album of Justin Bieber?
5.What others say is my smallest concern.
6.Can you ever have as much money as you would like?
7.The human brain has been proving/ has proved more and more fascinating/amazing.
8.In winter the days become shorter and shorter.
9.The closer holidays are, the more anxious pupils become.
10.If you decide to get driver’s license then so much the better.
Alina, te felicit pentru ca lucrezi!
Cateva ajustari doar pentru gradele de comparatie, avand in vedere ca acesta era subiectul:
1. as much attention…thing=lucru; think = a crede
5. my least concern – small se referca la marime fizica in general; in plus, e vorba de collocations – ce cuvant merge in ce combinatie
Buna Madalina,
1. He has as much attention as he thinks he needs.
2.It’s the narrowest street I’ve ever seen.
3.For further details(assistance/information), please contact us on our email/by email.
4.Have you listened to the latest album of Justin Bieber/Justin Bieber’s latest album?
5.What others say is the least of my worries.
6.Can you ever have as much money as you’d like?
7.The human brain turn out more and more fascinating.
8.In winter, the days get (are)shorter and shorter.
9.The closer the vacation are, the more anxious pupils become.
10. If you decide to get your driving licence , then the better it is (then all the better).
O seara frumoasa!
Buna Ramona,
Si felicitari pentru treaba foarte buna pe care ai facut-o 🙂
Nu am ce sa comentez, ai dat chiar si mai multe variante… Felicitari!
10 all the better = so much the better
1.He has as much attention as he thinks he needs.
2. It’s the narrowest street I’ve ever seen.
3.For further assistance, please contact us on our e-mail.
4. Have you listened to the latest of Justin Biebers’ album?
5. What others say it’s the least of my worries.
6. Can you ever have as much money as you’d like?
7. Human brain turned out more and more fascinating.
8. In winter, the days get shorter and shorter.
9. The closer vacations are, the more anxious pupils become.
10. If you decide to get your driving licence, then so much the better.
P.S. Iti multumesc, Madalina, pentru toate emailurile,exercitiile si temele pe care ni le trimiti! Ma ajuta foarte mult. Eu zic sa ne trimiti si o nota de plata! 🙂
Cu placere, Liliana draga 🙂 Recompensa de pe nota de plata probabil vine si sub alte forme 🙂 De multe ori ajuta enorm ca esti inconjurat de ganduri bune 🙂
Traducerea ta e super! Felicitari!
Doar 2 vorbe iti zic:
4. …J B’s latest album
5 “is” si atat, fara “it” pentru ca subiectul e “what others say”