Exercitii Past Simple / Past Continuous

1. “What he (do) when you (arrive)?”

2. “He (write) emails.”

3. “When he (start) writing them?”

4. “He (not tell) me that.”

5. “And what you (do) when you (see) him at the computer?”

6. “Nothing, I just (turn on) the TV.”

7. “I (suppose) you (watch) TV while he (write) emails.”

8. “Yes, but after a while he (tell) me to turn it off and go to my room.”

9. “Oh, that’s why you (read) the newspaper when I (knock) at your door.”

10 “In fact I (read) the newspaper and I also (listen) to music.”

9 thoughts on “Exercitii Past Simple / Past Continuous”

  1. 1.what was he doing when you arrived?
    2.He was writing emails.
    3.When he started writing them?
    4.He did not tell me that.
    5.And waht were you doing when you saw him at the computer?
    6.Nothing, I just turning on the TV.
    7.I supposed you were watching TV while he was writing emails.
    8.Yes, but after a while he told me to turn it off and go to my room.
    9.0h, that’s why you were reading the newspaper when I knocked at your door.
    10.In fact I read the newspaper and I also listened to music.

  2. 1. What was he doing when you arrived?
    2. He was writing emails.
    3. When did he start writing them?
    4. He did not tell me that.
    5. And what were you doing when you saw him at the computer?
    6. Nothing, I just turned on the TV.
    7. I supposed you were watching TV while he was writing emails.
    8. Yes, but after a while he told me to turn it off and go to my room.
    9. 0h, that’s why you were reading the newspaper when I knocked at your door.
    10. In fact I was reading the newspaper and I also was listening to music.

    • Raspunsurile corecte:

      1. What was he doing when you arrived?

      2. He was writing emails.

      3. When did he start writing them? (3.When he started writing them? => atentie la schema de interogativ!)

      4.He did not tell me that.

      5. And what did you do when you saw him at the computer? (what were you doing when you saw him at the computer?)

      Urmariti dialogul: – Si ce-ai facut cand l-ai vazut la calculator?
      – Nimic, doar am deschis televizorul.

      El nu facea ceva (nu avea o actiune in desfasurare cand l-a vazut la calc., ca urmare nu punem Continuous; a pornit calc. atunci cand/ in momentul cand l-a vazut la calc. => NU avem act. in desfasurare, NU punem continuu)

      6. Nothing, I just turned on the TV. (I just turning on the TV.)

      7. I suppose you were watching TV while he was writing emails.

      8. Yes, but after a while he told me to turn it off and go to my room.

      9. 0h, that’s why you were reading the newspaper when I knocked at your door.

      10. In fact I was reading the newspaper and I was also listening to music. (In fact I read the newspaper and I also listened to music.)

      – De asta citeai ziarul cand am batut la usa ta.
      – De fapt citeam ziarul si ascultam si muzica.
      Actiunile sunt in desfasurare in paralel, deci coninuu.

      Atentie la locul lui “also” in propozitie, inaintea V-ing.

  3. 1 What he was doing when you arrieved?
    2 He was writing emails?
    3 When he started writing them?
    4 He didn’t tell me that.
    5 And what you were doing when you saw him at the computer?
    6 Nothing,I just turned on the TV.
    7 I suppose you were watching TV while he was writing emails.
    8 Yes,but after a while he told me to turn it off and go to my room.
    9 Oh,that’s why you were reading the newspaper when I knocked at your door.
    10 In fact I was reading the newspaper and I also listening to music.

  4. Salut! Nu am inteles ceva…la propozitia a 3 a de ce nu trebuie pus past tense continuous? Nu trebuie folosit atunci cand e in context “when”? Nu exprima timpul cand s-a desfasurat actiunea?

    • Salut.
      Nu exprima o actiune in desfasurare, nici in romana nu putem spune acea propozitie cu imperfectul.
      “when” nu implica neaparat Past Continuous, trebuie ca acea actiune sa fie in desfasurare.

  5. este un tabel cu verbe neregulate, 4 coloane:
    prima coloana – verbul la participiu
    a doua coloana- verbul la past simple
    ultima coloana – traducerea
    Va rog sa-mi spuneti care este timpul verbelor din coloana 3 ?

  6. buna seara
    nu am inteles la propozitia nr 2 ? de ce he was writing emails si nu– “he wrote emails?”
    va multumesc

    • Propozitiile sunt intr-un context, iar intrebarea dinainte este “ce facea…?” Asadar, raspunsul este “scria emailuri”, ceea ce inseamna o actiune in desfasurare in trecut => Past Continuous


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