Prepozitii de miscare – exercitii

Tradu in limba engleza:

1. Maine trebuie sa aduceti prezentarea la birou.

2. Te-am rugat sa cobori. Mama este cea care trebuie sa urce in masina pe locul din fata.

3. Intotdeauna cresc preturile?? Nu pot niciodata sa scada??

4. Daca vrei sa ajungi in parc, trebuie sa mergi de-a lungul acestei strazi si sa treci pe langa cladirea alba de pe stanga.

5. Intotdeauna urca si coboara scarile chiar daca exista un lift.

6. Cainele lor a scapat pentru ca a fugit prin gaura din gard.

7. Va rugam, nu sariti peste gardul scolii!

8. A vrut sa se intoarca la muzeu si a trebuit sa se urce intr-un autobuz si sa coboare la a cincea statie.

9. Nu fugiti de greseli, puteti invata multe din ele!

10. Mai intai au venit peste podul de peste rau, apoi au mers pe jos inspre parc.

Vezi rezolvarea in videoclip:




12 thoughts on “Prepozitii de miscare – exercitii”

  1. 1.Tomorrow you have to get the presentation to the office.
    2. I have asked you to get off. Mother is the one who get in the car on the front seat.
    3.Do prices always go up? Can they never go down?
    4.If you want to get in the park, you have to walk along this street and you past the white building on the left.
    5.He always go up and down the stairs even if there is an elevator.
    6.Their dog got away because it ran through the hole of the fence.
    7.Please, don t jump over the school fence!
    8. He has wanted to go back to the museum and he had to get on the bus and he get off to the fifth station.
    9. Don t run away from mistakes, you can learn a lot of them !
    10. First time they have come over the bridge over the river, then they have walked towards the park.

    • Felicitari pentru ca lucrezi ๐Ÿ™‚

      In afara de cateva greseli gramaticale care nu fac acum obiectul discutiei, hai sa ajustam prepozitiile.
      2. e vorba de a se urca / a cobori in/din masina => get IN(to) the car / get OUT OF the car
      4. get TO the park (get in se refera la a intra in interiorul a ceva – vezi prop 2 cu masina)
      8. got off AT the fifth stop (“to” se foloseste pentru miscare, “at” aici se refera la locul statiei)
      10. ACROSS he bridge (presupune o linie)

  2. 1.Tomorrow you must to bring the presentation to the office.
    2.I asked you to come down. Mother is the one who has to get in the car in the front seat
    3.Always go up the prices?? Canโ€™t they ever go down??
    4.If you want to get to the park, you have to walk/go along this street and walk/go past the white building on the left.
    5. They always go up and down the stairs even there is an elevator
    6.Their dog escaped because it ran through the hole in the fence.
    7.Please donโ€™t jump over the school fence!
    8.He wanted to go back to the museum and he had get on a bus and get off at the fifth station
    9.Donโ€™t run away from mistakes, you can learn many / a lot of them.
    10.First they came across the bridge over the river, and then they walked towards the park

    • Felicitari pentru munca, draga Cornelia!

      In ceea ce priveste modul de folosire a prepozitiilor discutate, ai facut totul corect ๐Ÿ™‚

      In ceea ce priveste gramatica ar fi mai multe de discutat – atentie la schemele de interogativ ale timpurilor (3 este bun timpul, dar avem intrebare, iar la interogativ avem o schema).
      Nu avem voie cu “to” pe langa verbele modale (1)

  3. Buna Madalina!

    1.Tomorrow you have to bring the presentation to the office.
    2.I asked you to get out of the car. My mother is the one who has to get in the car in the front seat.
    3.Do the prices always go up?Can they never go down?..sau Always the prices go up?
    4.If you want to get to the park, you have to walk along this street and walk past the white building on the left.
    5.She always go up and down the stairs even if there is an elevator.
    6.Their dog escaped because he ran through the hole in the fence.
    7.Please do not jump over the school fence!
    8.He wanted to go back to the museum and had to get on a bus and get off at the fifth station.
    9.Don’t run away from mistakes, you can learn a lot from them!
    10.First, they came across the bridge over the river, then they walked towards the park.



    • Felicitari, Ramona…constiincioasa ca de obicei ๐Ÿ™‚

      La prepozitiile discutate nu am ce sa comentez, totul foarte bine.

      3 niciun “sau”! Nu avem noi do/does + S + V la interogativ la present simple? Si la 5 ai ratat o terminatie la verb ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Buna Madalina!
    Corect mancat super devreme la 6 a.m
    She always goes up…so on

    Multumesc mult ca Imi atragi atentia
    ..o ” comit ” simplu si des

    Zi minunata!

  5. 1. Tomorrow you have to bring the presentation to the office.
    2. Iโ€™ve asked you to get off. Mother is the one who has to get in the car in the front seat.
    3. Do prices always go up? = Can they never go down?
    4. If you want to get to the park, you have to walk along this street and past the white building on the left.
    5. He always goes up and down the stairs even if there is an elevator.
    6. Their dog got away because he ran through the hole in the fence.
    7. Please, donโ€™t jump over the school fence!
    8. He wanted to go back to the museum and had to get on a bus and he get off at the fifth station.
    9. Donโ€™t run away from mistakes, you can learn a lot of them!
    10.First they came across the bridge over the river, than they walked towards the park.

    • Foarte bine, Liliana! Felicitari!
      Alegerea prepozitiilor si a timpurilor este corecta.
      Doar la 8 sa facem o precizare la ultimul verb avem “…and TO get off….” = “…si SA….”

      Si as mai vrea sa fac o precizare generala, ca pana la urma vad ca se repeta greseala la mai multi, la 9 “…poti sa inveti multe DIN ele” – daca spunem “you can learn a lot OF them” s-ar intelege “poti sa inveti multe (adica multe greseli) – aici ramane “from”.

  6. Iti multumesc frumos pentru precizari, Madalina.
    P.S. Sa stii c-am primit e-mailul cu rezolvarea (pentru care-ti multumesc mult!), dar nu continea niciun video. Ai putea verifica, te rog frumos?


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