Present Perfect Simple & Continuous/ Past Simple

  1. It (rain) a lot this spring.
  2. It (rain) yesterday and last week, too.
  3. The weather (be) very bad so far.
  4. In fact it’s raining this moment. It (rain) for half an hour.
  5. It seems we (not see) a sunny day for ages.
  6. I (be) happy when I (see) a few sunrays two days ago.
  7. But my happiness (be) short lived because it immediately (start) raining.
  8. I (be) very bored and tired lately because of the weather.
  9. My friends (call) me for a few days in order to go to a club.
  10. My mother also (tell) me for a while to go out.

7 thoughts on “Present Perfect Simple & Continuous/ Past Simple”

  1. 1. It has rained a lot this spring.
    2. It rained yesterday and last week too.
    3. The weather has hadvery bad so far.
    4. In fact it’s raining this moment. It has been raninig for half an hour.
    5. It seems we haven’t seen a sunny day for ages.
    6. I was happy when I saw a few sunrays two days ago.
    7. But my happiness have been short lived because it immediately has started raining.
    8. I have been very bored and tired lately because of the weather.
    9. My frind has been calling me for a few days in order to go to a club.
    10. My mother also told me for a while to go out.

    • Bravo! Ai doar 3 propozitii gresite:

      3. The weather has had BEEN very bad so far.

      forma a treia pentru “be” este “been” si nu “had”

      7. But my happiness have been WAS short lived because it immediately has started STARTED raining.

      Propozitiile acestea toate fac parte dintr-un context, dintr-o situatie precisa de comunicare si fiecare fraza se leaga de contextul celei dinainte.
      Astfel, propozitia aceasta “bucuria mea a fost de scurta durata petnru ca a inceput imediat sa ploua” se leaga de cea dinainte care spune “Am fost fericita cand am vazut cateva raze de soare acum 2 zile.
      Deci totul se intampla acum 2 zile! Astfel ca trebuie sa folosim Past Simple in intreaga fraza 7). datorita contextului si expresiei “two days ago”, care este specifica pentru Past Simple.

      10. My mother also told HAS ALSO BEEN TELLING me for a while to go out.
      Si mama imi spune de ceva vreme sa ies.

      FOR A WHILE” = de ceva vreme => expresie specifica lui Present Perfect. In plus, pot sa judec si asa: o traduc cu prezent, actiunea a inceput acum ceva vreme, deci a inceput undeva in trecut si continua in prezent => Present Perfect Continuous.

  2. Madalina am o nelamurire. La prima propozitie nu este mai corect It has been raining aa lot this spring- actiune inceputa in trecut, continua si in prezent si poate si in viitor pt ca primavara nu a trecut

    • Daca traducem cu trecut – “a plouat mult in aceasta primavara”, atunci punem Present Perfect Simple.
      Daca traducem cu prezent – “ploua mult in aceasta primavara”, atunci punem Present Perfect Continuous.
      Depinde de vorbitor ce vrea sa spuna, daca vrea sa transmita ideea ca a plouat si uite ca tot ploua si acum si s-a anuntat la meteo ca o sa mai ploua… atunci in romana va folosi prezent, iar in engleza varianta continua a lui Present Perfect.


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