Test grila Present Simple _ Present Continuous

a) seems / looks

b) seem / is looking

c) seems / is looking

2.I ____ (believe) in hard work, but right now I ____ (not/think) this plan will work.

a) believe / am not thinking

b) believe / do not think

c) believe / doesn’t think

3.She ____ (own) a car, but today she ____ (use) public transport.

a) owns / is using

b) own / uses

c) owns / uses

4.Normally, they ____ (know) the answer, but this time they ____ (struggle).

a) know / are struggling

b) knows / struggling

c) know / struggle

5.He ____ (think) about changing his job, but he still ____ (love) his current work.

a) is thinking / love

b) thinks / is loving

c) is thinking / loves

6.We ____ (have) a great team, but currently, we ____ (have) some issues to resolve.

a) are having / are having 

b) have / have

c) have / are having

7.The coffee ____ (smell) great, but I ____ (prefer) tea in the morning.

a) is smelling / prefer  

b) smells / prefer

c) smells / am preferring

8.“The cake ____ (taste) delicious!” “Let’s see… I (taste) it now.”

a) tastes / am tasting

b) is tasting / am tasting

c) tastes / taste

9.This book ____ (contain) all the information you need, and it ____ (belong) to the library.

a) contain / belong

b) is containing / is belonging

c) contains / belongs

10.I ____ (remember) her name now, but I usually ____ (forget) easily.

a) am remembering / forget

b) remember / forget

c) remembers / forget

11.My friend ____ (have) a cat, but this week she ____ (look after) her neighbor’s dog.

a) have / is looking

b) has / is looking after

c) has / looks after

14 thoughts on “Test grila Present Simple _ Present Continuous”

    • Felicitari, Cristi, pentru ca ai lucrat si ai avut curaj sa pui raspunsurile tale!
      Hai sa ne gandim la urmatoarele:

      6 – primul verb e ok, dar “have” are si alte sensuri, alte nuante…aici, de ex. “a experimenta”, ceea ce te duce intr-o actiune
      9 – “contain” si “belong” nu arata actiune, deci nu pot fi puse la timp continuu

    • Super, Mirela, felicitari!
      Una singura are o problemuta 🙂

      1 – primul verb ok, dar al doilea, daca il punem la timp continuu, ar insemna “se uita”

    • Felicitari pentru raspunsuri si bine ai venit pe site!

      Hai sa ne gandim aici:
      1 – primul verb bun, dar al doilea, daca il punem la timp continuu, inseamna “se uita”

    • Ca de obicei, Sorin, foarte muncitor 🙂

      1 – primul verb bine, al doilea nu este cu sens “se uita”, ci “arata” (pare), deci nu avem o actiune
      6 – primul verb e bine, dar “have” are si alte sensuri, de ex. aici “a experimenta”, ceea ce te duce intr-o actiune
      7 – cafeaua nu se misca 🙂
      8 – cand gustam ceva facem o miscare

    • Buna, Antoaneta!
      Ca de obicei, esti la post, la datorie 🙂 Cu raspunsuri foarte bune, doar la astea sa fim atenti asa:

      4 – “se forteaza/ se lupta” este o actiune si este temporara
      6 – primul verb bine, dar “have” are diverse sensuri, de ex. aici “a experimenta”, ceea ce te duce intr-o actiune

    • Super, Adina, felicitari!

      Una singura mai necesita gandire:

      1 – primul verb ok, dar al doilea nu este cu sens “se uita”, ci “arata” (pare), deci nu avem o actiune

    • Felicitari, Petra, pentru raspunsuri!

      Sa fim atenti la urmatoare chestie:
      1 – primul verb bun, al doilea nu este cu sens “se uita”, ci “arata” (sau “pare”), deci nu avem o actiune si ne luam adio de la un timp continuu 🙂


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