
Tradu in limba engleza:

1. Au fost cateva cutremure anul asta.

2. Vor exista destui bani pentru proiectul asta.

3. Fusesera multe dificultati inainte de secolul al nouasprezecelea.

4. Nu cred ca pot sa existe schimbari in orarul de la scoala in acest moment.

5. Erau carti interesante de citit cand erai tu copil?

6. Nu exista multe informatii despre asta.

7. Tocmai imi spune ca trebuie sa fie cel putin 50 de oameni care vor sa mearga acolo.

8. Nu crezi ca ar trebui sa fie mai multi studenti interesati de cursul asta?

9. Ar fi mai multi bani in contul tau daca nu ai comanda tot felul de lucruri in fiecare saptamana.

10. Nu inteleg ce e in supa… Cred ca s-ar putea sa fie niste legume din alta tara.




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8 thoughts on “Exista”

  1. 1. There were some quakes this year.
    2. There will be enough money for this project.
    3. There had been many difficulties before the nineteenth century.
    4. I don’t think there can be changes to the school schedule at this moment.
    5. Were there interesting books for reading when you were a child?
    6. There isn’t much information about this.
    7. It just let me know there must be at least 50 people who want to go there.
    8. Don’t you think there should be more interested students in this course?
    9. There would be more money in your account if you don’t order all kinds of stuff every week.
    10. I don’t understand what it is in soup… I think there might be some vegetables from another country.

    • Felicitari, ma bucur ca ai inceput de undeva 🙂

      Sunt cateva scapari de gramatica, dar pentru problema in discutie ai ales bine expresiile cu “there + be”.

      1. “this year” nu inseamna un moment incheiat, deci e Present Perfect Simple
      7. de ce “it”? Asta inseamna ca ceva impersonal vorbeste 🙂 In plus, timpul de la primul verb e Present Perf Simple pentru ca nu te incadreaza intr-un moment/timp trecut exact.
      8. “interested in + something” nu se desparte
      9. avem conditionala tip II, deci in “if” e Past Simple!
      10. prepozitie + THE + substantiv (in THE soup)

  2. 1.There were some eathquakes this year.
    2. There will be enough money for this project.
    3. There had been many difficulties before the nineteenth century.
    4. I don t think that there can be changes in the school schendule at this moment.
    5.Were there interesting books to read when you were a child ?
    6. There isn t much information about this.
    7. He just says me that there must be at least 50 people who want to go there.
    8. Don t you think that there should be more students interested of this course.
    9.There would be more money in your account if you don t order all kind of things every week.
    1. I don t undestand what it is in soup..I think that there might be some vegetables from another country.

    • Mereu lucrezi, imi pare bine sa vad ca mereu te straduiesti sa traduci si te felicit pentru asta, Sorin 🙂

      Alegerea structurilor “there + be” este corecta, dar sunt cateva problemutze de gramatica:

      1. “this year” nu inseamna un moment incheiat, deci e Present Perfect Simple
      7. Pers. A + tell + pers. B / pers A + say to + pers. B
      In plus, daca tocmai imi spune inseamna ca acum se intampla, deci Present Continuous.
      8. interested IN
      9. conditionala tip II, Past Simple in “if”.
      10. prepozitie + the + substantiv

  3. 1 There were some earthquakes this year.
    2 There will be enough money for this project.
    3 There had been many difficulties before the nineteenth century.
    4 . I don’t think there can be changes in school timetable at this moment.
    5 were there interesting books when you were a child?
    6 There isn’t much information about this.
    7 He is just telling me/ he has just told me that there must be at least 50 people who want to go there
    8 Don’t you think there should be more interested students in this course?
    9. There would be more money in your account if you don’t order all kinds of things every week.
    10. I don’t understand what is in this soup. I think there could be some another country vegetables.

    • Carmen, felicitari pentru traducere! Este una foarte buna din punct de vedere al alegerii structurilor “there+be”, dar avem ceva probleme de gramatica.

      1. “this year” nu inseamna un moment trecut incheiat, deci e Present Perfect Simple
      4. prepozitie + THE + substantiv (in THE school…)
      7. He is just telling me = tocmai imi spune (exact ce avem noi); he has just told me = tocmai mi-a spus
      8. “interested in + something” nu se desparte
      9. conditionala tip II, Past Simple in “if”.

  4. 1. Au fost cateva cutremure anul asta.
    There have been some earthquake this year.
    2. Vor exista destui bani pentru proiectul asta.
    There will be enough money for this project
    3. Fusesera multe dificultati inainte de secolul al nouasprezecelea.
    There had been many difficulties before the nineteenth century.
    4. Nu cred ca pot sa existe schimbari in orarul de la scoala in acest moment.
    I don’t believe there can be changes in the scool schedule at this moment.
    5. Erau carti interesante de citit cand erai tu copil?
    Were there interesting books to read when you were a child?
    6. Nu exista multe informatii despre asta.
    There isn’t much information about this.
    7. Tocmai imi spune ca trebuie sa fie cel putin 50 de oameni care vor sa mearga acolo.
    He’s just telling me there should be at least fifty people who want to go there.
    8. Nu crezi ca ar trebui sa fie mai multi studenti interesati de cursul asta?
    Don’t you think there should be more students interested in this course?
    9. Ar fi mai multi bani in contul tau daca nu ai comanda tot felul de lucruri in fiecare saptamana.
    There would be more money in your account if you didn’t order all kind of things every week
    10. Nu inteleg ce e in supa… Cred ca s-ar putea sa fie niste legume din alta tara.
    I don’t understand what is in the soup…I think there might be some vegetables from another country.

    • Super, Cerasela! Foarte bine traduse, tipurile toate cum trebuie, felicitari!

      1. super ales timpul, ne lipseste un “-s” 🙂
      7…ca trebuie 🙂 => there MUST be


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