Intrebari 2

Tradu in limba romana:

1.      Sunt in birou acum?

2.      Cand iti spune povesti bunicul?

3.      Ar trebui sa scriem totul?

4.      Ati reusit sa il faceti?

5.      De cand lucrati pentru acest proiect?

6.      Ploua saptamana asta?

7.      Oricune poate veni la curs?

8.      Ce trebuie sa intelegem?

9.      Este lapte in frigider?

10.  Cine conduce afacerea asta?

11.  Ce se intampla cand ai ajuns acolo?

12.  De unde a luat paragraful?

13.  Cu cine iti petreci timpul?


Vezi rezolvarea in videoclip:



8 thoughts on “Intrebari 2”

  1. Buna!
    1. Are they in the office, now?
    2. When has your grandfather been told stories?
    3.Should we write everything?
    4.Did you handle to do it?
    5. Since when have you been working to this project ?
    6.Is it raining this week?
    7. Can everyone attend to the curs?
    8.What should we understand?
    9.Is it milk in the fridge?
    10.Who is managing the business?
    11.What was happening when you arrived there?
    12. From where have they took the paragraph?
    13. Whit who are you spending your time?

    • Buna, Marta, ma bucur ca ai reusit sa traduci, felicitari pentru curaj 🙂

      2. cand intrebam “when”, ne ducem intr-un moment exact din trecut, ceea ce inseamna Past Simple
      4. “manage” in loc de “handle” , e vorba de colocatii, de a folosi cuvantul potrivit in contextul potrivit.
      5. “since when” inseamna ca tragi pe coneva la raspundere – how long = (de) cat timp
      7. fara “to” – attend + ce anume
      8. should = ar trebui; have to / must = trebuie
      9. “este” de fapt are sens de “exista” si avem alta structura
      12. englezii nu prea incep intrebarile cu prepozitii, ci pun prepozitia la coada – “where do you come from?”, cred ca ai auzit asta de multe ori
      13. with whom…care este chiar formal, in limbaj informal il punem pe “with” la sfarsit.

  2. 1. Am I at the office now ?
    2. When do the grandpa tell you stories ?
    3. Should we write everything ?
    4. Have you succeed to do it?
    5. How long have you been working for this project ?
    6. Is it raining this week?
    7. Can anyone come to the course ?
    8. What do we have to understand ?
    9. Is there some milk in the fridge ?
    10. Who run this business ?
    11. What was happening when you arrived there ?
    12.Where did he get the paragraph ?
    13. Who spend your time with ?

    • Desi avem niste scapari, trebuie sa spun ca sunt foarte placut surprinsa sa vad asa o evolutie!! Deci, sincere felicitari pentru saltul pe care l-ai facut!

      9. any, ca e interogativ
      10 runs – ca in romana “cine conduce”, cere persoana a treia sg.
      12…from, pus la sfarsitul propozitiei, ca sa il punem si pe “de”. Ca la “where do you come from?”
      13. subiectul e “you”, deci avem de aplicat schema generala de Present Simple

  3. 1. Are they in the office now?
    2. When does the grandfather tell you stories?
    3. Should we write everything?
    4. Did you manage to do it?
    5. How long have you been working for this project?
    6. Is it raining this week?
    7. Can anybody come to the course?
    8. What do we have to understand?
    9. Is there some milk in the refrigerator?
    10. Who runs this business?
    11. What was happening when you arrived there?
    12. Where did he get the parahraph from?
    13. Who do you spend your time with?


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