Alege varianta corecta:
1. When he was training to become an athlete, he must/could/might run for two hour uninterruptedly.
2. You needn’t have called/needn’t call/mustn’t have called a taxi, I would have taken you to the airport if you had called me.
3. You may not/ can’t /shouldn’t allow your child to play on the computer, he’s too young for that!
4. Do you can/Can/Have you do crosswords?
5. My dear, you may/shall/must go out only after you finish reading this.
6. Pedestrians must/mustn’t/have to cross the street on the red light, of course.
7. I can buy/could have bought/could bought the house because I could/had to/can afford, but I didn’t want to live in that area.
8. Did your manager say you must/had to/might do that project last month or last week?
9. She can’t be/must be/may be in this situation, I’m sure, she isn’t that kind of person.
10. I have to/may/must read this book because I really want to understand this matter.
11. Our guests might have arrived/must have arrived/can’t have arrived, but I’m not sure at all.
12. There will/shall/have to always be good guys and bad guys.
13. Shall/Will I explain the exercises in a video or do you prefer to solve them by yourself first?
14. Shall/Will you please be quiet? I’m trying to concentrate while writing the sentences!
15. My neighbours must have redecorated/must redecorate/can’t redecorated their house, I heard a lot of noise last month.
1. When he was training to become an athlete, he must run for two hours uninterruptedly.
2. You needn’t have called a taxi, I would have taken you to the airport if you had called me.
3. You shouldn’t allow your child to play on the computer, he’s too young for that!
4. Can you do crosswords?
5. My dear, you may go out only after you finish reading this.
6. Pedestrians mustn’t cross the street on the red light, of course.
7. I could have bought the house because I could afford, but I didn’t want to live in that area.
8. Did your manager say you had to do that project last month or last week?
9. She can’t be in this situation, I’m sure, she isn’t that kind of person.
10. I must read this book because I really want to understand this matter.
11. Our guests might have arrived but I’m not sure at all.
12. There will always be good guys and bad guys.
13. Shall I explain the exercises in a video or do you prefer to solve them by yourself first?
14. Will you please be quiet? I’m trying to concentrate while writing the sentences!
15. My neighbours must have redecorated their house, I heard a lot of noise last month.
Bine, Liliana! Doar pe prima ai gresit-o, foooarte bine!! Verbele modale nu-s cea mai usoara chestie pentru ca trebuie sa tii minte multe reguli.
1. – e vorba ca la trecut – he was training – deci punem ceva la trecut – could.
Alege varianta corecta:
1. When he was training to become an athlete, he could run for two hour uninterruptedly.
2. You needn’t have called a taxi, I would have taken you to the airport if you had called me.
3. You mshouldn’t allow your child to play on the computer, he’s too young for that!
4. Can you do crosswords?
5. My dear, you may go out only after you finish reading this.
6. Pedestrians mustn’t cross the street on the red light, of course.
7. I could have bought the house because I could afford, but I didn’t want to live in that area.
8. Did your manager say you had to do that project last month or last week?
9. She can’t be in this situation, I’m sure, she isn’t that kind of person.
10. I have to read this book because I really want to understand this matter.
11. Our guests might have arrived, but I’m not sure at all.
12. There will have to always be good guys and bad guys.
13. Shall I explain the exercises in a video or do you prefer to solve them by yourself first?
14. Will you please be quiet? I’m trying to concentrate while writing the sentences!
15. My neighbours must have redecorated their house, I heard a lot of noise last month.
Felicitari! Foarte bune, doar la doua trebuie sa discutam:
10 – I must read this book => trebuie pentru ca vreau eu; “have to” ar fi o obligatie venita din exterior
12 – There will always be => intotdeauna vor exista
Eu ti le-am trimis pe email. Sorry!
2.needn’t have called
3.shoudn’t allow
4.can you..
7.could have bought/could/
8.had to
9.can’t be
11.might have arrived
15.must have redecorated
Alina, jos palaria! Toate corecte! Felicitari!!
2.needn’t have called
4.Do you can
7.could have bought/ could
8.had to
9.can’t be
10.have to
11.might have arrived
15.must have redecorated
Mari, felicitari pentru ca ai avut disponibilitatea de a-ti pune raspunsurile! Chiar daca ai cateva greseli, e foarte bine, din greseli tii minte cel mai sigur 🙂
1. – e vorba ca la trecut – he was training – deci punem ceva la trecut – could.
4 – nu exista “do you can”, verble modale au conjugare separata, nu se combina cu auxiliarele => can you….?
10 – punem “have to” daca obligatia vine din afara, aici eu vreau => must
1) When he was training to become an athlete, he must run for two hour uninterruptedly.
2) You need’t have called a taxi, I would have taken you to the airport if you had called me.
3) You shouldn’t allow your child to play on yhe computer, he’s to young for that!
4) Can you do crosswords?
5) My dear, you may go out only after you finish reading this.
6) Pedestrians mustn’t cross the street on the red light, of course.
7) I could bought/could have bought the house because I could afford, but I didn’t want to live in that area.
8) Did your manager say you had to do this project last month or last week?
9) She can’t be in this situation, I’m sure, she isn’t that kind of person.
10) I have to read this book because I really want to understant this matter.
11) Our guests might have arrived, but I’m not sure at all.
12) Shall I explain the exercises in a video or do you prefer to solve them by yourself first?
13) Will you please be quiet? I’m trying to concentrate while writing the sentences.
14) My neighbours must have redecorated their house, I heard a lot of noise last month.
Felicitari, Liliana! Ca de obicei, muncesti pe campul exercitiilor si mereu postezi. Apreciez asta 🙂
Avem doar cateva problemute:
1. – se intampla la trecut – he was training – deci punem ceva la trecut – could.
7 – ai uitat sa alegi la prima parte
10 – punem “have to” daca obligatia vine din afara, aici eu vreau => must
L-ai papat pe 12, iar de acolo in jos numerele sunt defazate, dar propozitiile sunt corecte.
2.needn’t have call
4.can you
6. Mustn’t
7.Could have bought; could
8.had to
9. Can’t
11.might have arrived
15.must redecorate
Ramona, felicitari!! Sunt mandra de tine si de progresele pe care le-ai facut 🙂
Doar la ultima propozitie ai gresit – must have redecorated – pentru ca se refera la trecut.