
1. She is ___ doctor who works at ___ hospital in our city and she also teaches at ______university.

a) a / the / a

b) – / a / an

c) a / an / an

d) a / the / an

2. She is ___ honest person and she takes responsibility for ______ consequences of her actions.

a) a / the

b) – / the

c) an / the

d) an / –

3. He reads ___ book every night before going to ___ bed.

a) the / the

b) a / –

c) a / the

d) – / –

4. _____ students don’t usually pay too much attention, but ______ students in this class listen carefully when ____ teacher explains.

a) the / the / the

b) – / the / the

c) – / the / –

d) the / – / the

5. She is studying to become ___ engineer. After ___ long day of classes, she likes to relax by reading ___ book or watching ___ TV.

a) – / a / a / –

b) an / the / a / the

c) an / a / a / –

d) – / the / the / –

6. ___ city I visited last summer was amazing. ___ people were friendly, and I enjoyed visiting ___ museums and ___ parks.

a) The / – / – / –

b) The / The / – / –

c) The / The / the / –

d) The / The / the / the

7.  _____ inflation has been discussed for _____ fourth time in _____ row.

a) – / the / a

b) The / the / the

c) – / the / the

d) The / the / a

8. Are you interested in ______ art or ______ architecture at ________ university?

a) the / – / the

b) – / – / –

c) – / – / the

d) the / the / a

9. He doesn’t go to ______ church on Sundays, but he went to ______ church in _____ centre of Brasov to visit it.

a) the / the / the

b) – / – / the

c) – / the / the

d) -/ – / –

8 thoughts on “Articole”

    • Hai sa mai invatam ceva:
      1 – alegerea articolului depinde de fonetica, de cum suna pronuntia, nu de litera 🙂 “u” pronuntat ca in “you” este considerat semi-vocala/semi-consoana
      2 – la fel – “h” nu se pronunta, e direct vocala de dupa
      6 – era vorba de oamenii, parcurile si muzeele acelui oras anume, nu oameni, parcuri si muzee in general
      9 – anumite substantive, printre care si “church”, nu au in fata articol atunci cand sunt mentionate ca avand scopul pentru care au fost concepute

    • Bine ai venit cu raspunsurile tale, Marius!

      1 – alegerea articolului depinde de fonetica, de cum suna pronuntia, nu de litera; “u” pronuntat ca in “you” se trateaza ca o consoana
      6 – era vorba de oamenii, parcurile si muzeele acelui oras anume, nu oameni, parcuri si muzee in general
      7 – “inflatia” e un termen general, nu punem “the” cand vorbim in general

    • Buna Antoaneta!
      3 – substantivele la singular nu stau singure, le trebuie a/the/adjectiv posesiv…ceva (vorbesc de “book”)
      4 – era vorba de profesorul acelei clase, plus regula de mai sus!
      6 – era vorba de oamenii, parcurile si muzeele acelui oras anume, nu oameni, parcuri si muzee in general
      9 – anumite substantive, printre care si “church”, nu au in fata articol atunci cand sunt mentionate ca avand scopul pentru care au fost concepute, dar au articol cand sunt mentionate pentru alt scop

    • Cateva precizari, Adina:
      1 – alegerea articolului depinde de fonetica, de cum suna pronuntia, nu de litera; “u” pronuntat ca in “you” se trateaza ca o consoana
      6 – era vorba de oamenii, parcurile si muzeele acelui oras anume, nu oameni, parcuri si muzee in general
      7 – “inflatia” e un termen general


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