HAVE diverse forme

1. He ______________ many friends when he lived at his grandparents.

a). hadn’t got

b). hasn’t got

c). didn’t have

2. Jenny has been talking on the phone for half an hour, ____________?

a). hasn’t she?

b). didn’t she?

c). wasn’t she?

3. ___________ to work with their team?

a). Has she

b). Does she have

c). Does she has

4. They ____________two children, only one.

a). haven’t got

b). haven’t

c). have

5. I’m sorry, the manager can’t see you now, he ________________ dinner with a supplier.

a). ‘ve having

b). ‘s having

c). having

6. How long ________________ the same car?

a). have they

b). have they been having

c). have they had

7. They ______________ some guests last night, that’s why they said they couldn’t be disturbed.

a). may have had

b). may had

c). may have

8. She ________ her hair cut at the hairstylist last Friday.

a). ‘s

b). has

c). had

9. Before going out, he _________ had breakfast.

a). had to

b). has

c). had

10. You ______ better leave now or you’ll be late!

a). had

b). have

c). have to

12 thoughts on “HAVE diverse forme”

    • Petra, felicitari pentru ca lucrezi!
      Hai sa ne uitam la urmatoarele propozitii:
      1 – daca vrem “A avea” cu “have got”, este doar la prezent, deci in niciun caz “had got”, care ar fi un Past Perfect Simple
      3 – la interogativ verbul e fara terminatii
      5 – sa fim atenti la schemele timpurilor 🙂
      6 – asa ar trebui, Present Perfect Continuous, dar nu ne lasa verbul “have” aici pentru ca nu arata o miscare fizica
      9 – e ca si cum am scrie “a trebuit sa avut”… deci nu merge

  1. 1 C
    2 A
    3 B
    4 A
    5 B
    6 C the verb to have is a nonprogressive one, that is why when we use it to show possession it is used in simple forms
    7 A
    8 C
    9 C
    10 A

    • Progrese in cazul tau, felicitari, Sorin!
      6 – 6 – asa ar trebui, Present Perfect Continuous, dar nu ne lasa verbul “have” aici pentru ca nu arata o miscare fizica, ci posesia
      7 – nu exista may had
      9 – este o actiune “before”, adica e inainte de altceva

    • Buna, Antoaneta!

      Ia sa discutam asa:
      4 – ori don’t have, ori haven’t got, cale de mijloc nu mai exista 🙂 Exista acum mai multi ani, acum nu se mai foloseste.
      6 – ar trebui Present Perfect Continuous, dar nu ne lasa verbul “have” aici pentru ca nu arata o miscare fizica, ci posesia
      7 – nu exista may had
      9 – si cum zici ca traduci daca pui “she’s” aici? 🙂
      10 – cam asa ar fi logic, ca e prezent 🙂 Dar avem aici o expresie.

    • Ma bucur ca am pus tipul asta de exercitii, ca invatam multe din greseli 🙂 Mereu spun ca pe mine ma ajuta greselile voastre ca sa stiu ce trebuie sa va explic.
      3 – la interogativ verbul e la infinitiv, fara terminatii
      4 – prescurtarea e “haven’t” doar daca avem structura “have got”
      5 – sa fim atenti la structura lui Present Continuous
      6 – din cauza lui “how long” nu putem pune Present Simple cum ai intentionat, iar pe de alta parte si la Present Simple avem o schema cu “do/does”. Putem face inversiunea lui “have” cu subiectul doar in structura “have got”
      7 – “may have” se refera la prezent, la noi e vorba de “last night”
      8 – nu putem prezent cu “last Friday”
      9 – este o actiune “before”, adica e inainte de altceva
      10 – avem aici o expresie


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