
Alege prepozitia:

1. I’ll do that on/in/at a sunny day.

2. They really need to catch a plane at/to/over Romania.

3. Are there any taxis at/to/about the railway station?

4. We went over/across/above the river by boat.

5. He’s so rich that he can buy the most expensive thing from/in/to this shop.

6. Can we watch at /–/on this film at/-/on TV?

7. I don’t think he was aware about/for/of the consequences.

8. Many people are afraid about/of/from dogs.

9. When they were on/in/at holiday, they took many photos from/at/of the landscapes they saw.

10. His friends started to laugh about/of/at him.

11. They’ve already left to/at/for Canada.

12. She can come to/at/for a cake if she wants.


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11 thoughts on “Prepozitii-2”

  1. 1. I’ll do that on a sunny day.
    2. They really need to catch a plane to Romania.
    3. Are there any taxis to the railway station?
    4. We went across the river by boat.
    5. He’s so rich that he can buy the most expensive thing from this shop.
    6. Can we watch this film on TV?
    7. I don’t think he was aware of the consequences.
    8. Many people are afraid of dogs.
    9. When they were on holiday, they took many photos of the landscapes they saw.
    10. His friends started to laugh at him.
    11. They’ve already left to Canada.
    12. She can come for a cake if she wants.

    • Felicitari pentru ca ai curajul sa pui varianta ta de rezolvare 🙂

      Avem doar 3 propozitii cu probleme:

      2 – Sunt taxiuri la gara? => AT the railway station => “to” se foloseste cu verbe de miscare, gen “go”/ “come”/ “take”…, iar “at” cu verbe statice – aici avem “sunt” (adica acolo, in locul acela)
      5. …IN this shop. => “from” arata provenienta, la noi e vorba de cel mai scump lucru care exista in acest magazin, el este acolo, nu provine de acolo.
      11. “leave FOR” = a pleca intr-un loc; “leave” (fara prepozitii) = a pleca dintr-un loc. Deci …”left FOR Canada”

  2. 1. I’ll do that on a sunny day.

    2. They really need to catch a plane to Romania.

    3. Are there any taxis at the railway station?

    4. We went across the river by boat.

    5. He’s so rich that he can buy the most expensive thing in this shop.

    6. Can we watch this film on TV?

    7. I don’t think he was aware of the consequences.

    8. Many people are afraid of dogs.

    9. When they were on holiday, they took many photos of the landscapes they saw.

    10. His friends started to laugh at him.

    11. They’ve already left to Canada.

    12. She can come for a cake if she wants.

    • Foarte bine, Alinaaaaa 🙂
      Doar ca nu pot sa cred ca ti-a scapat la 11 🙂

      Deci “leave FOR” = a pleca INTR-UN loc; “leave” (fara prepozitii) = a pleca DINTR-UN loc.

      • Multumesc pentru raspuns, intotdeauna mai am ceva de invatat…
        As avea o rugaminte… recent am intalnit prepozitia “past” , si recunosc nu am inteles exact sensul/cand se foloseste,; de asemenea in prop. Copiii se joaca pe deal sau Casa este pe deal, am fost tentata sa folosesc prep “on” si am inteles ca se foloseste prep. at??? Imi este putin neclar
        Poti , te rog , sa ma lamuresti putin?

        • “past” se foloseste de ex. intr-o chestie gen “go past” – a trece pe langa.
          To get there, you need to go past a forest, which is dangerous. (Ca sa ajungi acolo, trebuie sa treci pe langa o padure, ceea ce este periculos.)
          In ceea ce-l priveste pe “at” folosit in loc de “on”, nu vad altceva decat ca eventual s-ar putea referi la un fel de “langa deal”, altfel nu cred ca exista asa ceva. Adica daca este “pe” deal, atunci e “on”. Unde anume ai intalnit asa ceva? Numai sa nu fie printr-o carte si sa fie vreo greseala necorectata.

  3. 1. I’ll do that on a sunny day.
    2. They really need to catch a plane to Romania.
    3. Are there any taxis at the railway station?
    4. We went across the river by boat.
    5. He’s so rich that he can buy the most expensive thing from this shop.
    6. Can we watch – this film on TV?
    7. I don’t think he was aware of the consequences.
    8. Many people are afraid of dogs.
    9. When they were on holiday, they took many photos of the landscapes they saw.
    10. His friends started to laugh at him.
    11. They’ve already left from Canada.
    12. She can come for a cake if she wants.

    • Bine, Carmen! Felicitari!
      Avem doar 2 probleme:

      11 – ca toata lumea, vad 🙂
      Deci “leave FOR” = a pleca INTR-UN loc; “leave” (fara prepozitii) = a pleca DINTR-UN loc.
      5. … IN this shop. => “from” arata provenienta, la noi e vorba de un lucru care exista in magazin, el ESTE acolo, nu provine de acolo.

  4. 1. I’ll do that on a sunny day.
    2. They really need to catch a plane to Romania.
    3. Are there any taxis at the railway station?
    4. We went across the river by boat.
    5. He’s so rich that he can buy the most expensive thing in this shop.
    6. Can we watch this film on TV?
    7. I don’t think he was aware of the consequences.
    8. Many people are afraid of dogs.
    9. When they were on holiday, they took many photos of the landscapes they saw.
    10. His friends started to laugh at him.
    11. They’ve already left for Canada.
    12. She can come for a cake if she wants.

  5. Wonderful explanations! Thank you. It’s possible to have some mistakes, but I’m going to fix them, because I want to see the video again.


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