Exercitii Present Simple / Present Continuous (avansati)


1. “How many times a week you (see) your grandparents?”

2. “I (not see) them very often .”

3. “You (see) them today?

4. “No, not today. Today I (have) an appointment with my lawyer.”

“Your lawyer? Why??”

5. “Well, I (have) a party this weekend and I (not want) to break the law. I (want) to ask him a few questions.”

6. “I (not see) why. I (be) sure it won’t be a problem. I (know) you (have) a large house with a big garden and it (not be) so close to your neighbours.”

7. “I (hope) so. I usually (invite) a lot of people but this time I (invite) only some of my business partners.”


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11 thoughts on “Exercitii Present Simple / Present Continuous (avansati)”

  1. 1.”How many times a week do you see your grandparents?
    2.I don’t see them very often.
    3.Do you see them today?
    4.No, not today.Today I have an appointment with my layer.
    5.well, I have a party this weekend and I don’t want to break the low.I want to ask him a few questions.
    6.I don’t see why.I’m sure it won’t be a problem.I know you have a large house with a big garden and it isn’t so close to your neighbours.
    7.I hope so.I usually invite a lot of people but this time I’m inviting only some of my business partners.”

  2. 1.How many times a week are you seeing your grand parents?
    3.Are you seeing them today?
    4.No,not today. Today I’m having an appoiment with my layer.
    5.Well, I’m having a party this week and I don’t want to break the low. I want to ask him a few question.

  3. 1. How many times a week do you see your grandparents?
    Indica o actiune repetata, cu caracter regulat, care cere Prezentul Simplu.

    2. I do not see them very often.
    Pe post de “key word” avem adverbul de frecventa “often”, care cere Prezentul Simplu.

    3. Are you seeing them today?
    “To see” este considerat un “verb of the senses” ( ca si “to hear”, “to feel”, “to smell”, “to taste”‚ “to seem”) si in mod normal nu se foloseste la Prezent Continuu. Aici, cred ca il putem folosi ca o exceptie la Prezent Continuu, in sensul de “a se intalni”, “a se vedea”.

    4. No, not today. Today I have an appointment with my layer.
    “Appointment” ma duce cu gandul la o actiune fixata de o agenda de lucru, de un plan si cred ca ar cere folosirea Prezentului Simplu.

    5. Well, I am having a party this weekend and I do not want to break the law. I want to ask him a few questions.
    Din contextul frazei, pare o actiune aranjata pentru viitor si cred ca ar merge cu Prezentul Continuu .

    6. I do not see why. I am sure it won’t be a problem. I know you have a large house with a big garden and it is not so close to your neighbours.
    Aici chiar nu vad unde ne-ai intins capcana!

    7. I hope so. I usually invite a lot of people but this time I am inviting only some of my business partners.
    Pe post de “key word” avem adverbul de frecventa “usually”, care cere Prezentul Simplu. Ultima parte a frazei are sens de actiune viitoare si cred ca merge cu Prezentul Continuu.

  4. Ce bine ca ai lasat si rezolvarea , sa ne putem verifica “tema” . Sunt bucuroasa sa spun ca m-am descurcat incurajatoor pentru a-ti urmari in continuare postarile.Esti un ingeraaas !:p

    • Present Continuous transmite ideea ca am aceasta petrecere planuita deja, cu invitatii chemati. Future Simple transmite ideea ca vreau sa tin aceasta petrecere, nu am nimic inca planificat, acum am luat decizia.

  5. 1. “How many times a week do you see your grandparents?”

    2. “I don`t them very often .”

    3. “Do you see them today?

    4. “No, not today. Today I have an appointment with my lawyer.”

    “Your lawyer? Why??”

    5. “Well, I`m having a party this weekend and I don`t to break the law. I want to ask him a few questions.”

    6. “I don`t see why. I`m sure it won’t be a problem. I know you have a large house with a big garden and it isn`t so close to your neighbours.”

    7. “I hope so. I usually invite a lot of people but this time I`m inviting only some of my business partners.”

  6. Buna Madalina

    As putea trage concluzia ca regula de repetitivitate a unei actiuni intr-o propozitie ”o bate”pe cea in care verbul exprima o actiune si ar trebui pus la forma continua …?
    Ma refer la setul 2 de exercitii prima propozitie : How many times a week do you see your grandparents ? Aici verbul to see nu are sensul de a vedea efectiv ,ci acela de a se intalni …..si daca e asa as fi fost tentata sa pun Present Continuos….

    • Buna Adina,

      Da! Clar! In primul rand decizi ce timp pui, abia apoi decizi daca te lasa verbul – in cazul unui timp continuu!
      How many times a week e clar ceva repetat.
      Nu pui un verb la un timp continuu cu forta, doar pentru ca verbul arata o actiune 🙂


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