Present Simple/Continuous (avansati)

  1. The water (boil), can you turn it off?
  2. Water (boil) at 100 degrees Celsius.
  3. I’m sorry, you can’t see her now. She (have) a shower.
  4. They (have dinner) now. They always (have) dinner at this time.
  5. Your parents (have) a car?
  6. I (be) so happy! I (have) a party tonight.
  7. How blood (circulate) through the body?
  8. I (see) my girlfriend tonight.
  9. I (not need) glasses, I (see) very well.
  10. What you (think) about?
  11. Her brother (think) she (be) very naughty these days. She (not be) usually like that.
  12. I (hear) that honey can be used as an antiseptic. It (be) right?
  13. Speak louder, please! I (not hear) what you (say).
  14. Her mother (not feel) good these days.
  15. He (feel) that she (be) in trouble and she (have) a problem with her exams.
  16. “I (feel) this material to see if it is soft.” “it (feel) soft?”
  17. Yummy…the cake (taste) so good!
  18. What she (do)? Well, she (taste) that pizza.
  19. I (not know) if he is right.
  20. She (agree) with you?
  21. No, she (not agree) with me now, but I (understand her).
  22. It (smell) awful in this room now.
  23. “Hey, what you (do)?” “I (smell) these beautiful flowers.”
  24. This car (belong) to you?
  25. Oh, he always (tell) me the same jokes. My father (hate) that.
  26. The Danube (flow) into the Black Sea.
  27. The Danube (flow) very fast because of so much rain.
  28. She (seem) very tired these days.
  29. “They (believe) in ghosts?” “Well, I (not remember) exactly right now.”
  30. Tom usually (drink) coffee, but now he (prefer) a cup of hot tea.
  31. I (hope) you (know) what you (do) now with that mowing machine in my bedroom!
  32. Come here little kitty! My child (want) to play with you now.

31 thoughts on “Present Simple/Continuous (avansati)”

  1. 1. The water is boiling, can you turn it off?
    2. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
    3. I’m sorry, you can’t see her now. She is having a shower.
    4. They are having dinner now. They always have dinner at this time.
    5. Do your parents have a car?
    6. I’m so happy! I’m having a party tonight.
    7. How does blood circulate through the body?
    8. I’m seeing my girlfriend tonight.
    9. I don’t need galsses, I see very well.
    10. What are you thinking about?
    11. Her brother think she is being very naughty these days.She isn’t usually like that.
    12. I’m hearing that honey can be used as an antiseptic. It is right?
    13. Speak louder, please! I don’t hear what are you saying
    14. Her mother doesn’t feel good these days.
    15. He feels that she is in trouble and she have a problem with her exams.
    16. I’m feeling this material to see if it is soft Does it feels soft?
    17. Yummy…the cake tastes so good!
    18. What she is doing? Well she is tasting that pizza.
    19. I don’t know if he is right.
    20. Does she agree with you?
    21. No she don’t agree with me now but I understand her.
    22. It smells wonderful in this room now.
    23. Hey what do you do? I’m smelling thse beautiful flowers.
    24. Does this car belong to you?
    25. Oh,he always tells me the same jokes. My father hates that.
    26. The Danube flows into the Black Sea.
    27. The Danube is flowing very fast because of so much rain.
    28. She seems very tired these days.
    29. They believe in ghosts? Well, I not remember exactly right now.
    30. Tom usually drinks coffe, but now he preferes a cup of hot tea.
    31. I hope you know what are you doing now with that mowing machine in my bedroom.
    32. Come here little kitty. My child wants to play with you now.

    • 11. Her brother thinkS she is being very naughty these days.She isn’t usually like that.
      Avem “her brother” = he => verbul are terminatie.

      15. He feels that she is in trouble and she have a problem with her exams.
      In primul rand ar fi “she has”, in al doilea rand aici “have a problem” nu poate fi inlocuit cu “a poseda”, deci mai bine punem “she is having problems” pentru ca referirea este la actiune in desfasurare.

      16. I’m feeling this material to see if it is soft Does it feels soft?
      Fara “-s”, atentie la schema!

      21. No she don’t DOESN’T agree with me now but I understand her.

      23. Hey what do you do ARE YOU DOING ? I’m smelling thse beautiful flowers.
      Zice “hei!”, deci actiunea se petrece in momentul vorbirii, deci trebuie sa avem Present Continuous.

      25. Oh,he always tells me the same jokes. My father hates that.
      Asta ar fi ok si asa. Insa daca o luam ca pe o iritare, atunci o punem cu Present Continuous. Aici depinde insa de vorbitor – daca si pe vorbitor il enerveaza, atunci Present Continuous. Daca il enerveaza doar pe tatal vorbitorului 🙂 Atunci lasam Present Simple. In propozitiile de acest gen depinde tot timpul de gradul de iritare al vorbitorului.

      29. They believe DO THEY BELIEVE in ghosts? Well, I not remember exactly right now.

      Atentie, este interogativ si trebuie sa avem “do” in fata!

  2. 22. It smells wonderful in this room now. Raspunsul dat de Nico ma cam nedumireste. In mintea mea raspunsul era it is smelling …

    • “smell” are doua sensuri:

      1. a mirosi
      2. a avea miros

      Sensul 1 exprima o actiune pe care o face cineva (Ea miroase floarea.) si in acest caz “to smell” are voie la forma continua daca o cere contextul.
      Sensul 2 este o calitate innascuta a unui lucru (Floarea miroase frumos) – caz in care “to smell” nu mai exprima o actiune si NU are voie sa fie pus la forma continua, chiar daca asa ar cere contextul.

      Am prezentat pe larg verbele de genul acesta aici:

      Asculta explicatia si urmareste prezentarea si vei intelege.

  3. Buna seara.

    Am facut exercitii de mai sus.
    Puteti sa aruncati o privire. Multumesc.

    The water bolling, can you turn it off?
    Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
    I’m sorry, you can’t see her now. She is having a shower.
    They were having dinner now. They always have dinner at this time.
    Do your parents have a car?
    I am so happy! I’m having a party tonight.
    How blood circulates through the body?
    I’seeing my girlfriend tonight.
    I don’t need glasses, I see very well.
    What are you thinking about?
    Her brother thinks she is being very naughty these days. She isn’t usually like that.
    I’m hearing that honey can be used as an antiseptic. Is it right?
    Speak louder, please! I don’t hear what you are saying.
    Her mother doesn’t feel good these days.
    He feels that she is in trouble and she is having a problem with her exams.
    “I feel this material to see if it is soft.” “Does it feel soft?”
    Yummy…the cake tastes so good!
    What is she doing? Well, she is tasting that pizza.
    I don’t know if he is right.
    Is She agreeing with you?
    No, she isn’t agreeing with me now, but I understand her.
    It smell awful in this room now.
    “Hey, what are you doing?” “I’m smelling these beautiful flowers.”
    Does this car belong to you?
    Oh, he always tells me the same jokes. My father hates that.
    The Danube flows into the Black Sea.
    The Danube is flowing very fast because of so much rain.
    She seems very tired these days.
    “Do they believe in ghosts?” “Well, I am not remembering exactly right now.”
    Tom usually drinks coffee, but now he is prefering a cup of hot tea.
    I hope you are knowing what you are doing now with that mowing machine in my bedroom!
    Come here little kitty! My child wants to play with you now.

  4. Salut
    Cred ca in frazele/propozitiile : 12,13,18,31 (din raspunsurile lui Nico) sunt inverasate schemele de formare afirmativ – interogativ a catorva verbe.

    • Asa este, Iulia, iar eu n-am vazut. Bravo!
      12 – Is it right?
      13 – I don’t hear what you are saying.
      18 – What is she doing?
      31 – I hope you know what you are doing…

    • Ca sa intrebi “Ce crezi despre asta?” trebuie sa spui “what do you think about it / this?” Nu te poti opri in “about”. Cu “about” la sfarsit are doar sens de “la ce te gandesti?”

  5. Buna! Sunt foarte folositoare aceste exercitii pentru mine , dar ai putea sa imi explici ceva ?
    De ce in propozitia 22(I smells awful in this room now)verbul SMELL este la prezent simplu iar in propozitie 23(I`m smelling these beautiful flowers)este pus la prezent continuu ? Ambele sunt actiuni realizate in momentul vorbirii si acest verb nu are de obicei forma la prezent continuu,deci eu am crezut ca in amele exemple ar trebui folosit la prezent simplu. 🙂

    • “to smell” nu are voie la un timp continuu cand exprima o insusire. E diferenta intre “A avea miros”(insusire) si “a mirosi”(actiune). Te rog sa revezi explicatiile mele.

  6. 7.How blood circulate through the body?nu este corect )it)circulates?? am vazut ca nu este corectata, iar gabriela iovu a spus la fel ca mine

  7. Buna seara!
    La propozitia 4.They (have dinner) now. They always (have) dinner at this time. am o nelamurire. They always (have) dinner at this time, care este primul criteriu dupa care alegem ce timp folosim: prima oara ne uitam la verb (have) care in cazul asta e o expresie ( have dinner) si se foloseste Present Continuous sau ne uitam la ,,always” care ne sugereaza o actiune repetata si folosim Present Simple?
    La fraza 21.No, she (not agree) with me now, but I (understand her)., la propozitia ,,No, she (not agree) with me now” nu folosim Present Continuous, deoarece avem particula ,,now”?
    La fraza 30.Tom usually (drink) coffee, but now he (prefer) a cup of hot tea., verbul (prefer) este unul dintre acele verbe care nu se pot folosi la un timp continuu?

    • Buna Ramona,
      Atentie! Punem un timp continuu doar daca e nevoie de timp continuu in acel context! Acesta este pasul 1. Pasul 2 abia este sa ne uitam daca ne lasa verbul la un timp continuu. Deci nu punem un timp continuu cu forta 🙂 doar pentru ca verbul ma lasa la timp continuu, ci doar daca cere contextul. Deci intai ma uit ce timp am voie sa pun, apoi judec daca si pot sa pun, in cazul unui timp continuu. Daca nu, il las la un timp simplu.
      21 – “agree” nu are voie la continuu, desi contextul ar fi de de Present Contin., dar nu ma lasa verbul
      30 – “prefer” nu are voie

  8. Buna Madalina

    La propozitia 12.I (hear) that honey can be used as an antiseptic. It (be) right?-nu se poate folosi si PS-daca gandim ca e o chestie generala ,care de obicei este asa ?
    La 14.Her mother (not feel) good these days.-nu putem avea si PC ” Her mother is not feeling good these days ?


    • Buna Adina,

      E general faptul ca mierea e folosita ca si antiseptic, nu e general ca “afli”!
      hear = a afla (aici)
      Cand afli ceva nu e ca un sunet pe care il percepi cu urechea, ci vorbesti cu cineva care iti spune / citesti asculti…. = miscare

      14. Ba da, orice varianta e acceptata in ultima vreme


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