Grade de comparatie

Gaseste varianta corecta:


1. This car is __________________ I have ever seen.

a). one of the most modern car

b). one of the most modern cars

c). one of the more modern car

d). one of more modern cars


2. He was ___________ when he left the house __________ when he came back.

a). more tired / than

b). the most tired / then

c). more tired / then

d). the most tired / than


3. _____________ you start your work, ______________ you’ll finish.

a). The early / the soon

b). Earlier / Sooner

c). The earliest / the sooner

d). The earlier / the sooner


4. If you need ________ practice, go to a ________ advanced exercise book!

a). farthest / most

b). farther / most

c). further / more

d). furthest / more


5. They carried ____________ luggage by their new car, because there was ___________ space.

a). many more / a lot more

b). much more / a lot less

c). many more / a lot less

d). much more / a lot more


6. At the meeting with the new staff, there was ________ coffee for _________ people.

a). less / more

b). fewer / more

c). little / much

d). least / more


7. Mary is __________ than her parents, although her mother is almost ____________ her father.

a). more taller / as tall as

b). much taller / as taller as

c). much taller / as tall as

d). taller / as much tall as


8. The music at my neighbours was_______________, so I was_______________________.

a). more and more louder / more and more disturbed

b). louder and louder / more and more disturbed

c). louder and louder / less and less disturbed

d). more and more loud / more and more disturbed


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12 thoughts on “Grade de comparatie”

    • Bine ai venit cu rezolvarile tale!
      Multe raspunsuri bune, stii sa faci comparatia, doar doua au avut de suferit:)
      1 – e capcana in care multi cad, desi e fix ca in romana – una din cele mai moderne MASINI (nu masina!)
      7 – nu exista “more taller” pentru ca “taller = mai inalt”, deci are il cuvant deja comparatia

    • Bine, Simona, felicitari pentru ca ai lucrat!
      Hai sa vedem ce trebuie sa invatam:
      1 – cum spuneam, capcana in care multi cad, desi e ca in romana – una din cele mai moderne MASINI (nu masina!)
      2 – than = decat/ca; then = apoi
      7 – nu exista “more taller”! “taller = mai inalt, iar “more + adjectiv” este pentru adjective lungi

    • Bine ai revenit, Liliana! Felicitari, totul corect 🙂 Iti mai spuneam eu ca ar trebui sa te gandesti ca poti sa le dai si altora din ce stii tu 🙂

      • Multumesc, Madalina! Mai am inca, muuult de invatat, dar fac progrese datorita tie si exercitiilor pe care ni le trimiti cu o consecventa pe care o apreciez tare mult! Iti multumesc in numele tuturor celor de-aici (si nu numai), pentru ca nu ne lasi sa ne culcam pe-o ureche, ci ne provoci sa exersam si, uite, sa evoluam! ❤️


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