Test 3

Test 3

1. He’s playing ____ guitar near ____ Danube and he’s telling everybody that ____ people usually listen to them but he likes ____ people who sing with him.

a). the / – / the / the

b). the / the / – / the

c). – / – / the / the

d). the / – / the / –


2. The lecturer was speaking __________ but his students thought that _________his voice was, _____ they were.

a). louder and louder / louder / less interested

b). more and more loud / the more loud / the less interested

c). louder and louder / the louder / the less interested

d). more and more louder / louder / less interested


3. “Can I have _____ ice cream?” the boy asked. The shop assistant replied that he could have ___ ice cream he wanted.

a). some / any

b). some / some

c). any / any

d). any / some


4. He ________ to be sad because his best friend __________ on the stage in a play this Sunday, while he ___________for any role.

a). appears / is appearing / hasn’t chosen

b). is appearing / is appearing / hasn’t been chosen

c). is appearing / is appearing / hasn’t chosen

d). appears / is appearing / hasn’t been chosen


5. They _______ tonight by train, but they don’t know yet what time their train _________.

a). are leaving / is leaving

b). are leaving / leave

c). leave / leaves

d). are leaving / leaves


6. The manager assistant ___________ emails today. She ____________ only ten although she ___________ since early morning.

a). is sending / has sent / has been working

b). is sending / had sent / has worked

c). is sending / has sent / has worked

d). is sending / had sent / has been working


7. What ___________ if we ___________ to her party and we ____________ her?

a). would have she thought / hadn’t gone / hadn’t even called

b). would she have thought / hadn’t gone / didn’t even call

c). would she have thought / didn’t go / didn’t even called

d). would she have thought / hadn’t gone / hadn’t even called


8. You __________ bread because I ___________ two loaves.

a). needn’t bought / have already brought

b). needn’t have bought / have already brought

c). didn’t buy / haven’t already bought

d). needn’t have bought / haven’t already brought


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8 thoughts on “Test 3”

    • De ce te grabesti asa? 🙂

      1 – play THE + instrument; THE + nume de ape (exceptie lacuri); THE cand vorbim de chestii in particular, unele anume
      Avem AICI regulile de la “the”
      2 – structura este cu THE + comparativ – si e ciudata stiu, ca “The” se pune la superlativ
      4 – …. in timp ce el nu A FOST ales deci avem si un “a fi” pe-acolo, e o diateza pasiva
      5 – “ei pleaca diseara” este ceva care nu se repeta. E adevarat ca mersul mijloacelor de transport este cu Present Simple, dar sa facem diferenta intre “ei pleaca cu trenul” si “trenul pleaca” 🙂
      6 – “…desi LUCREAZA de azi-dimineata devreme” – traducem cu prezentul avem “de x timp”, caz clar de Present Perfect Continuous
      7 – “…daca nu ne-am fi dus si nu am fi sunat-o” este conditionala de tip III, doar ca sunt doua actiuni de acelasi fel, sunt legate prin “si”

    • Bine ai venit 🙂 Felicitari pentru ca lucrezi!
      2 – “loud” este adjectiv scurt deci lucram cu “louder”
      3 – Atunci cand cerem la magazin nu e o intrebare propriu-zisa, in mod normal raspunsul ar fi sa iti dea ce doresti. In acest caz se pune tot “some”
      4 – “appear” are doua sensuri:
      – a parea (care nu e actiune si nu poate fi pus la timp continuu)
      – a aparea (care este actiune si poate fi pus la timp continuu)
      Apoi “…. in timp ce el nu A FOST ales” deci avem si un “a fi” pe-acolo, e o diateza pasiva
      8 – needn’t + have + V(III) cu referire la actiune trecuta


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