Pluralul substantivelor – test grila

Alege varianta corecta:

1. How ________ do you need?

a). many breads

b). much loaves of bread

c). many loaf of bread

d). much bread

2. She doesn’t have any money because ____________ all in the other bag she left at home.

a). it is

b). they are

c). there is

d). there are

3. He can’t carry all ______________ by himself.

a). these luggages

b). this pieces of luggage

c). this luggage

d). these piece of luggage

4. Police ______ found two ____________ about the suspect.

a). have / pieces of information

b). has / pieces of information

c). has / informations

d). have / information

5. Her parents are so proud she has made ______________.

a). so many progresses

b). so much pieces of progress

c). so many pieces of progress

d). so much progress

6. He’s saved many people’s __________ by persuading them not to jump off the _________.

a). lives / clives

b). lifes / cliffs

c). lives / cliffs

d). lifes / clives

7. In the _________they could see people eating huge _____________.

a). photos / tomatos

b). photos / tomatoes

c). photoes / tomatoes

d). photoes / tomatos

8. Your parents can give you __________

a). many advice

b). much advice

c). many advices

d). much pieces of advice

9. Her mother asked her to buy two __________ for her younger cousin, but she told her she had a lot of ___________ and she didn’t have time for that.

a). bars of chocolate / homework

b). chocolate / homeworks

c). chocolates / homework

d). bars of chocolate / homeworks

10. Physics ______ a tough science for such young ___________.

a). are / children

b). is / child

c). is / children

d). are / child

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14 thoughts on “Pluralul substantivelor – test grila”

    • Bine ai venit cu rezolvarile tale!
      In general e bine, doar cateva precizari:

      1 – “loaf of” se numara, ca de aceea exista ca si cuantificator, sa pot spune doua paini, trei paini
      2 – “money” e nenumarabil
      4 – “police” intotdeauna se acorda cu verb la plural
      6 – “-f / – fe” => “-ves” la plural, cu unele exceptii printre care si “cliffs”

    • Bravooo 🙂
      O singura chestie:
      2 – “…pentru ca EI sunt toti…” – adica banii, care e nenumarabil si impersonal, deci “it”

    • Bine, Adina! Doar atentie aici:

      3 – daca e “pieces” => “these” = aceste
      4 – “police” se acorda mereu cu verbul la plural
      6 – “-f / – fe” => “-ves” la plural, cu unele exceptii printre care si “cliffs”

    • Fooooarte bine, Petra!

      1 – “much” + “loaves” = not love 🙂 pentru ca primul e pentru substantive nenumarabile (mult) si al doilea e numarat, ca de aia e la plural 🙂

    • Buna, Antoaneta! E bineee, cu 2 exceptii:

      4 – “police” se acorda mereu cu verbul la plural
      8 – “much” + “pieces” = not love 🙂 pentru ca primul e pentru substantive nenumarabile (mult) si al doilea e numarat, ca de aia e la plural

    • Felicitari pentru ca ai lucrat, Flori!
      1 – “much” + “loaves” = not love pentru ca primul e pentru substantive nenumarabile (mult) si al doilea e numarat, ca de aia e la plural
      3 – daca e “pieces” => “these” = aceste
      4 – “police” se acorda mereu cu verbul la plural
      5 – “much” cu “pieces” nu e ok, pentru ca primul e pentru substantive nenumarabile (mult) si al doilea e numarat, ca de aia e la plural
      8 – aceeasi chestie

    • Bine ai venit cu rezolvarea, Mariana! 🙂 Urmareste, te rog, videoclipul, am explicat rezolvarea. Daca ai nelamuriri, revino cu intrebarea/intrebarile tale!


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