Some, any etc.

  1. I can’t find my keys _________!
  2. He said he had _______special prepared for my birthday.
  3. He didn’t invite __________to the party, only his family members.
  4. ________can join the book club; there are no restrictions on membership.
  5. The king felt generous and he told the witch to take _________she wanted from the palace.
  6. Would you like _________to eat?
  7. Is there ___________specific you’d like to discuss in today’s meeting?
  8. They don’t care about money; they are so rich they can go __________.
  9. Let’s meet ___________quiet where we can talk without interruptions.
  10. He didn’t have ___________in the fridge, he needed to buy ___________.
  11. Is there a supermarket __________in this area?
  12. He saw _________across the street.
  13. They decided not to go ___________on holiday that year.
  14. Has __________seen my phone? I can’t locate it _________. 

10 thoughts on “Some, any etc.”

  1. 1. anywhere
    2. something
    3. anyone
    4. anybody
    5. anything
    6. something
    7. anything
    8. anywhere
    9. somewhere
    10. anything/ something
    11. somewhere
    14. someone (psp ca raspunsul este pozitiv)/ anywhere

    • Foarte bine, Sorin, toate foarte bune! Felicitari!
      La 11 facem precizarea ca punem “somewhere” doar daca stim ca trebuie sa existe un supermarket in zona. Altfel “anywhere”.
      La 14, la fel, da.

  2. Buna, Madalina! La Multi Ani!

    1. I can’t find my keys anywhere!
    2. He said he had something special prepared for my birthday.
    3. He didn’t invite anyone to the party, only his family members.
    4. Anybody can join the book club; there are no restrictions on membership.
    5. The king felt generous and he told the witch to take anything she wanted from the palace.
    6. Would you like something to eat?
    7. Is there anything specific you’d like to discuss in today’s meeting?
    8. They don’t care about money; they are so rich they can go anywhere.
    9. Let’s meet somewhere quiet where we can talk without interruptions.
    10. He didn’t have anything in the fridge, he needed to buy something.
    11. Is there a supermarket anywhere in this area?
    12. He saw something across the street.
    13. They decided not to go anywhere on holiday that year.
    14. Has someone seen my phone? I can’t locate it anywhere.

    Weekend linistit!

    • Buna, Antoaneta!
      La Multi Ani! Si felicitari pentru rezolvari! Foate bune.
      La 14 daca folosim “someone” in intrebare, cumva transmitem ideea ca suntem siguri ca raspunde cineva. Alfel….”anyone” in intrebari.

  3. 1.anywhere

  4. La multi ani, Madalina!

    1. anywhere
    2. something
    3. anyone
    4. anybody
    5. anything
    6. something
    7. anything
    8. anywhere
    9. somewhere
    10. anything/ something
    11. somewhere
    12. someone
    13. anywhere
    14. anyone/ anywhere

    • La multi ani, Liliana!
      Foarte bune toate, felicitari! Doar la 11 facem precizarea ca punem “somewhere” doar daca stim ca trebuie sa existe un supermarket in zona. Altfel “anywhere”.

  5. 1. anywhere
    2. something
    3. anybody
    4. Anybody
    5. Anything
    6. Something
    7. Anything
    8. Anywhere
    9. Somewhere
    10. Anything/ something
    11. Anywhere
    12. Someone
    13. Anywhere
    14. Anybody/anywhere


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