Tradu in limba engleza:
1. Vremea a devenit rece in ultimul timp.
2. A inceput sa ploua de dimineata devreme.
3. Poti sa vezi ca a venit toamna.
4. Anul trecut toamna a venit mai devreme.
5. Nu-mi amintesc cand s-a racit in septembrie trecut.
6. Frunzele au inceput sa cada?
7. Nu au inceput inca.
8. Oamenii aveau geci cand au plecat de acasa.
9. Ai luat o umbrela cand ai iesit?
10. M-am uitat afara si am vazut ca era innorat atunci.
11. Nu mi-am cumparat o geaca noua pana acum.
12. Am cumparat o pereche de ghete acum cateva zile.
13. Astazi m-am uitat la buletinul meteo.
14. Acum o ora, un prieten mi-a spus ca meciul de fotbal a fost anulat.
15. Tie ti s-a facut frig?
Vezi rezolvarea in videoclip:
1, The weather has recently become cold .
2. It has begun to rain early in the morning.
3. You can see the fall has already come.
4. The fall came earlier last year.
5. I don’t remember when the September became cold last year.
6. Have the leaves begun to fall?
7. No, they have not begun yet.
8. People were wearing jackets when they left home.
9.Have you taken an umbrella when you got out?
10. I took a look outside and I saw that it was cloudy then.
11. I have not bought a new jacket yet.
12. I bought a pair of boots some days ago.
13. I watched weather forecast today.
14. A friend of mine told me an hour ago that the match was cancelled.
15. Have you got cold?
Carmen, felicitari pentru ca ai lucrat si nu ai nici asa multe greseli 🙂
2. began – avem acel moment trecut (in the morning)
5 – timpul e ok, doar ca nu punem “the” in fata lunilor, iar septembrie nu e subiect pentru ca raspunde la intrebarea “cand”, deci ca subiect alegem ceva impersonal “it”
9. Did you take, din nou avem acel moment exact din tecut “when you left”
13. “today” nu e un moment trecut, teoretic astazi mai pot sa ma uit la buletinul meteo, deci avem Present Perfect aici.
Mulțumesc foarte mult, Mădă! Explicațiile greșelilor mă ajută foarte mult! Mereu e nevoie de un feedback.
Aprecierile mele!
Cu drag 🙂
1. The weather has become cold lately.
2.It has started raining early, in the morning.
3. You can see that the autumn have come.
4.Last year the autumn came earlier.
5. I didn t remember when it cooled last september.
6.Have the leaves started to fall ?
7. They didn t started, yet.
8. The people were having jackets when they have left from home.
9.Have you taken an umbrella when have you gone out ?
10. I have looked outside and I have seen that it was cloudly then.
11.I haven t bought a new jacket so far
12. I brought a pair of boots a few days ago.
13.Today I have looked at weather report.
14.A hour ago, a friend told me that football game was canceled
15. Have you got cold ?
Felicitari pentru ca mereu lucrezi, nu te lasi niciodata 🙂 Ai vazut marea majoritate a timpurilor corect, si mai mult exercitiu te-ar face sa ochesti mai bine situatiile 🙂
2. started – avem acel moment trecut (in the morning)
3. …HAS come (autumn = it)
7. “yet” nu e un moment exact din trecut 🙂
9 ambele cu Past Simple pentru ca e vorba de o actiune care s-a facut intr-un anume moment din trecut (cand au plecat)
10. la fel, totul cu PAst SImple pentru ca il avem pe acel moment trecut “then”
Buna Madalina,
Iti doresc sa reusesti in tot ce ti-ai propus si-ti multumesc pentru modul in care faci ca limba engleza sa para mai accesibila!
Ramane de vazut cat de bine am pus in practica ceea ce ai explicat .
1. Vremea a devenit rece in ultimul timp.
The weather has become cold lately.
2. A inceput sa ploua de dimineata devreme.
It has started raining early, in the morning.
3. Poti sa vezi ca a venit toamna.
You can see that autumn / fall has come.
4. Anul trecut toamna a venit mai devreme.
Last year the fall / autumn came earlier.
5. Nu-mi amintesc cand s-a racit in septembrie trecut.
I don’t remember when it got cold /it cooled down last Semptember .
6. Frunzele au inceput sa cada?
Have the leaves started to fall ?
7. Nu au inceput inca.
They haven’t started yet.
8. Oamenii aveau geci cand au plecat de acasa.
People were worn jackets when they left home.
9. Ai luat o umbrela cand ai iesit?
Did you take an umbrella when you went out?
10. M-am uitat afara si am vazut ca era innorat atunci.
I have looked outside and I have seen that it was cloudy then.
11. Nu mi-am cumparat o geaca noua pana acum.
I haven’t bought a new jacket yet.
12. Am cumparat o pereche de ghete acum cateva zile.
I bought a pair of boots a few days ago / some days ago.
13. Astazi m-am uitat la buletinul meteo.
Today I have loocked at the weather report.
14. Acum o ora, un prieten mi-a spus ca meciul de fotbal a fost anulat.
An hour ago, a friend told me that the football meci was canceled.
15. Tie ti s-a facut frig?
Have you got cold?
8. imperfect => were wearing
13. cred ca este” I have watched” si nu” I have looked”
14. este “match” si nu “meci”
Buna Cornelia,
Iti multumesc pentru urari si iti doresc sa ajungi acolo unde vrei tu cu engleza
Si felicitari pentru ca ai lucrat si ai majoritatea verbelor bine!
2. started – avem acel moment trecut (in the morning)
8 …asa este
10. Past SImple pentru ca il avem pe acel moment trecut “then”
13 – timpul bun si asa este, atunci cand urmarim ceva cu privirea folosim “watch”
1. The weather has become cold lately.
2. It has started to rain early in the morning.
3. You can see the autumn has come.
4. The autumn came earlier last year.
5. I don’t remember when it got cold last September.
6. Have the leaves started to fall?
7. They haven’t started, yet.
8. People were wearing jackets when they left home.
9. Did you take an umbrella when you went out?
10. I looked outside and saw that it was cloudy then.
11. I haven’t bought a new jacket so far.
12. I bought a pair of boots a few days ago.
13. Today I’ve watched the weather report.
14. An hour ago, a friend told me that the football match was canceled.
15. Did you get cold?
Cele mai multe timpuri puse bine deci super-felicitari Liliana! 🙂
2. started, Past Simple – avem acel moment trecut (in the morning)
De regula nu punem “the” in fata anotimpurilor decat cand ne referim la un anotimp anume, caracterizat de ceva – “the autumn I met you” de exemplu
15. nu ne zice / nu avem de unde sa deducem ca se refera la un moment trecut, deci Present Perfect
Buna, Madalina,
1.The weather has become cold lately.
2.It started raining early in the morning.
3.You can see that autumn has come.
4.Last year autumn came earlier.
5.I don’t remember when it got cold last September.
6.Have the leaves begun to fall (out)?
7.They haven’t started yet.
8.People were wearing jackets when they left home.
9.Did you get(take) your umbrella when you went out ?
10.I looked outside and saw that it was cloudy then (at that time).
11.I haven’t bought a new jacket by now.
12.I bought a pair of boots a few days ago.
13.Today I have watched the forecast (weather report).
14. An hour ago, a friend of mine told me that the football match was canceled.
15.Have you got cold ?
O zi buna!
Buna Ramona,
Jos palaria 🙂 Totul fara cusur! Nu mai e cazul sa mai inveti 🙂 Poti preda engleza 🙂
Buna, Madalina,
Chiar te rog sa ne provoci cu cat mai multe exercitii ..lectii ..proiecte una de abia astept inca mai am de invatat ..iti multumesc dar totusi nu exageram prin urmare sanatate iti doresc .spor in toate ca sa ne mentii activi cu acest “hobby” -engleza
Multumesc mult!
Noapte buna!
Draga Ramona,
Si eu mai am de invatat multe 🙂 Cu cat stii mai multe, cu atat ti se pare ca mai e mult pana departe…
Multumesc frumos pentru urari 🙂