Test 2

Test 2

1. She has ____ money, so she can’t buy that ______ coloured dress.

a). little / beautifully

b). few / beautifully

c.) little / beautiful

d). few / beautiful


2. The _______ rooms are upstairs, while their ________ room is downstairs.

a). children’s / parent’s

b). children’s / parents’

c) childrens’ / parents’

d). children’ / parents’


3. Neither Tom _________ his father __________ coffee.

a). nor / drinks

b). or / drinks

c). nor / drink

d). or / drink


4. __________of these two rooms __________ very clean.

a). Neither / is

b). None / is

c). Neither / aren’t

d). None / isn’t

5. While I _________, I ________the flowers that _________wonderful.

a). was walking/ was smelling / were looking

b). walked / smelled / were looking

c). was walking / was smelling / looked

d). walked / was smelling / looked


6. When our father was younger, he ______ get tired as quickly as now.

a). didn’t used to

b). used to

c). use to

d). didn’t use to


7. Firemen couldn’t put ___ the fire and their house burnt____, but hey had put _____some money and they could put _____with the situation.

a). off / down / back / up

b). out / down / aside / up

c). off / up / back / down

d). out / up / aside / down


8. I don’t know where _____ because I _____ her three times this morning and she _______, but I’m not going to call her again since it’s already 2 p.m.

a). is she / called / didn’t answer

b). she is / have called / hasn’t answered

c). is she / have called / hasn’t answered

d). she is / called / didn’t answer


Vezi rezolvarea si explicatia in videoclip:



16 thoughts on “Test 2”

  1. Buna seara. Mai jos raspunsurile mele. Nu stiu daca m-am descurcat dar o sa vad. 1-d, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c, 5-a, 6-d, 7-d, 8-b. Multumesc

    • Buna! Ai facut deja primul pas pentru a invata, chiar daca ai facut greseli. Important este sa exersezi. Cu cat exersezi mai mult cu atat vei face mai multe exercitii corecte 🙂
      1 – “money” este substantiv nenumarabil, ca urmare d) este exclus pentru ca “putini bani = little money”
      2 – se pune genitiv cu ‘s daca substantivul (adica posesorul) NU se termina in “-s” – deci d) este exclus pentru ca ar trebui sa spunem children’s (al copiilor)
      4 – nu am voie cu doua negatii, deci c) nu e ok pentru ca avem si “neither” si “aren’t”
      5 – aici recunosc ca am intins o cursa 🙂 Asa este traducem totul cu imperfect, care este corespondentul lui Past Continuous in engleza, doar ca “look” este cu sens de “a arata” si el nu are voie la timp continuu – deci exclus a)
      7 – burn down= a arde pana la temelii; put up with = a suporta, a indura
      8 – exista precizarea “it’s already 2 pm”, ” e deja 2 dupa-amiaza”, deci “this morning” este o perioada incheiata pentru momentul vorbirii, deja e de domeniul trecutului, deci nu mai putem pune Present perfect

  2. 1.She has little money, so she can t buy that beautiful coloured dress.
    2.The children s rooms are upstairs, while their parent s room is downstairs.
    3.Neither Tom nor his father drinks coffee.
    4.Neither of these two rooms is very clean.
    5. While I was walking, I was smelling the flowers that looked wonderful.
    6. When our father was younger, he didn t used to get tired as quickly as now.
    7. Firemen couldn t put out the fire and their house burnt down, but they had put aside some money and they could put up with the situation
    8. I don t know where she is because I have called her three times this morning and she hasn t answered, but I m not going to call her again since it s already 2.pm.

    • Ai picat in niste capcane 🙂 Eu ma bucur, ca uite asa invatam sa fim si mai atenti 🙂
      1 – beautiful este doar adjectiv – aici el sta pe langa un alt adjectiv, se refera la un alt adjectiv deci ne trebuie adverg => beautifully
      2 – parent’s = camera parintelui; camera parintilor = parents’ room – substantivul se termina in plural cu “-s”, deci avem doar apostrof
      6 – hmmm….Past Simple negativ…oare mai are “-ed” verbul sau nu prea? 🙂
      8 – exista precizarea “it’s already 2 pm”, ” e deja 2 dupa-amiaza”, deci “this morning” este o perioada incheiata pentru momentul vorbirii, deja e de domeniul trecutului, deci nu mai putem pune Present perfect

    • Asadar… sa mai invatam ceva despre neither si nor 🙂 Altfel este bineeee!
      1 – beautiful este doar adjectiv – aici el sta pe langa un alt adjectiv, se refera la un alt adjectiv deci ne trebuie adverg => beautifully
      3 – neither…nor….verbul se acorda cu al doilea element, adica cel mai aproape de el, in cazul nostru “his father drinks”
      4 – nu avem voie cu doua negatii, plus ca atunci cand sunt doar doua elemente folosim “neither” si nu “none”

      • Multumesc pentru corectari, Madalina! Eu, una, de-abia astept mereu sa vad unde am mai gresit, pentru ca mi-e evident ca evoluez cu ajutorul exercitiilor tale!

    • Bine ai venit, Domnica! Prima ta postare 🙂
      1 – “money” este substantiv nenumarabil, ca urmare d) este exclus pentru ca “putini bani = little money”
      2 – parent’s = camera parintelui; camera parintilor = parents’ room – substantivul se termina in plural cu “-s”, deci avem doar apostrof
      3 – neither…nor….verbul se acorda cu al doilea element, adica cel mai aproape de el, in cazul nostru “his father drinks”
      8 – exista precizarea “it’s already 2 pm”, ” e deja 2 dupa-amiaza”, deci “this morning” este o perioada incheiata pentru momentul vorbirii, deja e de domeniul trecutului, deci nu mai putem pune Present perfect

    • Bine ai venit 🙂 Cred ca e prima ta postare cu raspunsuri nu?
      1 – “money” este substantiv nenumarabil, ca urmare d) este exclus pentru ca “putini bani = little money”
      In plus, beautiful este doar adjectiv – aici el sta pe langa un alt adjectiv, se refera la un alt adjectiv deci ne trebuie adverg => beautifully
      2 – se pune genitiv cu ‘s daca substantivul (adica posesorul) NU se termina in “-s” – deci d) este exclus pentru ca ar trebui sa spunem children’s (al copiilor)
      4 – nu am voie cu doua negatii, deci c) nu e ok pentru ca avem si “neither” si “aren’t”
      7 – put out a fire = a stinge un foc; put off = a amana; put aside = a pune deoparte; put back = a pune la loc; a intarzia
      8 – nu e intrebare, deci nu putem face inversiune de interogativ!

      • Da, este prima postare, desi va urmaresc demult, fara a si face exercitiile, recunosc, datorita imprejurarilor sunt nevoita sa ma apuc serios de “treaba”, asadar va multimesc si ne mai “auzim”

  3. Acum am vazut testul :))) Ia sa ma vad
    1 a, 2 b, 3 b, 4b, 5 c, 6 d, 7 a, 8 d.
    Am o varsta – am mai uitat :))))))))))) De asta va si urmaresc si pe aceasta cale va multumesc, totodata.


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