Pronume demonstrative in engleza
THIS = acesta, aceasta, acest, aceasta
What’s this?
What’s this tree?
THESE = acestia, acestea, acesti, aceste
These are your things.
These things are yours.
THAT = acela, aceea, acel, acea
That was a good question.
That question was a good one.
THOSE = aceia, acelea, acei, acele
Those are his children.
Those children can speak English.
Situatii de folosire a pronumelor demonstrative, spre deosebire de limba romana
Cand faci cunostinta:
This is Diane. (Ea este Diana)
This is my friend, Jerry. (El e prietenul meu, Jerry.)
In anumite cazuri in loc de “acesta” din limba romana:
What was that?!?
What do you mean by that?
There’s nothing we can do about that.
Alte cazuri:
(Bate cineva la usa)
Who’s that? (Cine e?)
(Who is it?)
La telefon:
Hi, this is Jerry.
(Hi, it’s Jerry.)