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  1. The concert began at 7 p.m.,______?
  2. They always meet on Saturdays, _________?
  3. The children are playing, _________?
  4. Your son has never seen an elephant, _________?
  5. He can’t play bridge, _________?
  6. We won’t move to London, _________?
  7. Ann doesn’t go to school on Saturdays, _________?
  8. You didn’t pay in cash, _________?
  9. The dog can stay on this mat, _________?
  10. The price of the food has gone up again, _________?
  11. My driver is waiting for me outside, _________?
  12. The festival begins this Monday, _________?
  13. Her father will be fishing at this time tomorrow, _________?
  14. The teacher won’t have checked our tests by next week, _________?
  15. He should have learned more, _________?
  16. It isn’t snowing now, _________?
  17. The mechanic had finished repairing your car by then, _________?
  18. Her cat doesn’t like bananas, _________?
  19. These apples aren’t fresh, _________?
  20. Our teacher has just entered, _________?
  21. The baby hasn’t been crying for such a long time, _________?
  22. They lived in a village a long time ago, _________?
  23. I am very good at Maths, _________?
  24. She must have succeeded, _________?
  25. Your little sister always washes her little doll, _________?
  26. Jerry was working in the garden when you phoned him, _________?
  27. Father shouldn’t shave, _________?
  28. The housekeeper wasn’t dusting the furniture at that time, _________?
  29. He could have done it, _________?
  30. I am not so stupid, _________?

Vorbirea indirecta (Indirect Speech)


  1. “Open the suitcase, please”, they required him.
  2. “You can’t see your girlfriend now; she’s having a shower”, her father told Tom.
  3. “It is raining heavily now”, mum said coming into the room.
  4. “You should learn more”, the teacher advised him.
  5. “Put on your coat, Jerry, it’s cold outside!”, his mum told Jerry.
  6. “Mr. Smith teaches Geography in our school”, she told her friend.
  7. “I was sleeping from 3 to 5 p.m. yesterday”, he explained.
  8. “What’s your name?”, he asked her.
  9. “Why did you go there alone?”, Jane asked.
  10. “My husband had cooked a delicious meal for me by then.”, she said.
  11. “Have you ever eaten snails?”, he asked me.
  12. “Who is making that noise?”, she asked.
  13. “It’s Jerry. He’s repairing a pipe”, grandma explained.
  14. “We’ll have a wonderful day tomorrow”, the weather forecaster said.
  15. “I’m not going to write my homework now”, young Bobby said.
  16. “Has she already left?”, her classmate asked.
  17. “Don’t point with your finger, please”, his grandma told him.
  18. “I think you are a liar”, his girlfriend told her.
  19. “I read the whole chapter last night”, he boasted.
  20. “My grandfather eats too much”, Sebastian said.
  21. “You should always learn your lessons”, his mother advised him.
  22. “Where does your cousin live?”, he asked me.
  23. “Did you understand our teacher’s explanation?, my deskmate asked me.
  24. “Can I have a hamburger, please?”, she asked.
  25. “Who told you that?”, my father asked me.
  26. “I always try to do my job well”, he boasted.
  27. “What can I do for her?”, he wondered.
  28. “I like red roses”, my mother said.
  29. “They drank all my wine”, my friend noticed.
  30. “I wouldn’t buy this book if you didn’t like it”, he announced.

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Conditionala (IF Clause)

  1. If they had come to my place we (listen) to some good music.
  2. What happens if you (boil) your cream?
  3. You (drive) now if you hadn’t drunk beer.
  4. He wouldn’t have visited you unless you (invite) him.
  5. I (never succeed) unless you had helped me.
  6. If you (be) late again, you’ll lose your job.
  7. If I (know) how to swim, I would have swum already.
  8. She’ll come to your party if you (invite) her.
  9. If I (see) a snake, I would run.
  10. I would be glad if she (come).
  11. What would you do if you (not have) money?
  12. I wouldn’t have read that book unless I (need) it.
  13. If you had wanted to speak English, you (learn) it.
  14. I would be a politician if I (can) understand politics.
  15. If she (be) here, she could sing a carol for us.
  16. But for the snow, winter (not be) so nice.
  17. If  Mandy had paid attention,  she (not lose) her keys.
  18. If I (be) you, I wouldn’t pay any attention to what she says.
  19. Where you (go) if he offered you a holiday?
  20. What she (say) if I visited her unexpectedly?

Diateza pasiva

Transforma urmatoarele propozitii aflate la diateza activa in propozitii la diateza pasiva:

Ex.: The mechanic war repairing the car. => The car was being repaired by the mechanic.

  1. A dog has bitten him.
  2. They had broken the mirror a few days before.
  3. Somebody stole his gold watch.
  4. They usually assemble cars by using robots.
  5. His father damaged the TV yesterday.
  6. My mother is making a cake.
  7. My friend came when they were broadcasting the news.
  8. The authorities are building a new street these days.
  9. They must build a new street anyway.
  10. My brother has just installed a new programme for me.
  11. The party gave up the search; they couldn’t find the missing person.
  12. He was moving the furniture when I called him.
  13. I’ll mend my dress; I tore it.
  14. She is going to write the composition.
  15. He said people would move his car away.
  16. A specialist will be repairing his computer at this time tomorrow.
  17. She will have finished the cleaning of the room by then.
  18. We can offer them some free tickets.
  19. You should change your bed sheets!
  20. Our partner may send a letter of complaint.
  21. They told him about the competition.

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Present Simple/Continuous (avansati)

  1. The water (boil), can you turn it off?
  2. Water (boil) at 100 degrees Celsius.
  3. I’m sorry, you can’t see her now. She (have) a shower.
  4. They (have dinner) now. They always (have) dinner at this time.
  5. Your parents (have) a car?
  6. I (be) so happy! I (have) a party tonight.
  7. How blood (circulate) through the body?
  8. I (see) my girlfriend tonight.
  9. I (not need) glasses, I (see) very well.
  10. What you (think) about?
  11. Her brother (think) she (be) very naughty these days. She (not be) usually like that.
  12. I (hear) that honey can be used as an antiseptic. It (be) right?
  13. Speak louder, please! I (not hear) what you (say).
  14. Her mother (not feel) good these days.
  15. He (feel) that she (be) in trouble and she (have) a problem with her exams.
  16. “I (feel) this material to see if it is soft.” “it (feel) soft?”
  17. Yummy…the cake (taste) so good!
  18. What she (do)? Well, she (taste) that pizza.
  19. I (not know) if he is right.
  20. She (agree) with you?
  21. No, she (not agree) with me now, but I (understand her).
  22. It (smell) awful in this room now.
  23. “Hey, what you (do)?” “I (smell) these beautiful flowers.”
  24. This car (belong) to you?
  25. Oh, he always (tell) me the same jokes. My father (hate) that.
  26. The Danube (flow) into the Black Sea.
  27. The Danube (flow) very fast because of so much rain.
  28. She (seem) very tired these days.
  29. “They (believe) in ghosts?” “Well, I (not remember) exactly right now.”
  30. Tom usually (drink) coffee, but now he (prefer) a cup of hot tea.
  31. I (hope) you (know) what you (do) now with that mowing machine in my bedroom!
  32. Come here little kitty! My child (want) to play with you now.

Past Simple/Past Continuous

  1. When I (be) young, I (want) to become an engineer.
  2. Jane (wait) for her friend when she (see) her cat under a car.
  3. Denis (break) his leg while he (play) football.
  4. While I (sit) on the toilet, my mobile phone (start) to ring.
  5. My brother (sing) and (have) a shower while I (watch) TV.
  6. At this time yesterday I (cycle) in the park.
  7. What you (do) when I (phone) you?
  8. I (not hear) when my father (call) me.
  9. Everybody (have) fun when suddenly the lights (go) out.
  10. Joan (not notice) me. She (look) somewhere else.
  11. “You (see) her at the concert?” “Of course I (see) her. Unfortunately I (not can) talk to her.”
  12. We (have) a chat while we (wait) for our coffee in the restaurant.
  13. You (watch) TV when the guests (arrive)?
  14. She (laugh) while she (tell) us the joke. That’s why we (not understand) anything.
  15. I (sleep) while my brother (paint) my face in red. When I (wake up), I (want) to beat him. Fortunately our parents (come) and (stop) the fight.
  16. When I last (meet) him, he (try) to find a job as an accountant.
  17. My mum (cook) when my father (surprise) her with a bunch of flowers.
  18. The radio was on, but nobody (listen) to it.
  19. While we (play) in the park we (see) a terrible accident.
  20. When Kim (find out) that he (cheat) on her, she (tell) him to get lost.
  21. His grandfather (fall) asleep while he (listen) to the news.
  22. He (try) to change a light bulb when he (fall) off the ladder and (break) his arm.
  23. When I (come) in the office, the manager (talk) on the phone, his secretary (type) a letter and another man (wait) on the chair in front of the desk.
  24. When we (arrive) in the mountains, the sun (shine) and the birds (sing). It (be) a lovely summer morning.
  25. While they (travel) around Italy, they (meet) a lot of nice people.
  26. What homework you (say) the teacher (give) us?
  27. I’m sorry, I (not understand) because I (not pay) attention.
  28. Grandma (lay) the table while her grandchildren (trim) the Christmas tree.
  29. I (leave) home because I (not know) she (come) to my place.
  30. Who you (talk) to when I (meet) you in the street?