Must/ Have to

Must/ Have to


1. Oh, I like this magazine! I must read it.

2. I’m sorry, I can’t stay any longer. I have to write a report for tomorrow.

Intre cele doua situatii exista o diferenta foarte mica. Ambele exprima obligatia, insa “must” este o obligatie venita de la cel care vorbeste, iar “have to” este o obligatie venita din exterior.

  1. O, imi place revista aceasta! Trebuie s-o citesc.
  2. Imi pare rau, nu mai pot sta. Trebuie sa scriu un raport pentru maine.

Astfel, vorbitorul din primul exemplu abia asteapta sa citeasca o revista care-i place => trebuie s-o citeasca pentru ca el doreste asta.

Vorbitorul din al doilea exemplu este obligat de sef sau de altcineva sa scrie un raport; nu e un lucru pe care si-l doreste neaparat.


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Past Perfect Simple & Continuous/ Past Simple

  1. When I (phone) him, he already (buy) the tickets for the show.
  2. By the time Maddie (notice), her two little children (paint) the cat.
  3. She hardly (close) her bag when her mobile phone (ring) again.
  4. No sooner the doctor (leave) than the old lady (call) him again.
  5. Her grandfather (work) in the army for forty years before he (retire).
  6. When I (talk) to him he (be) exhausted because he (train) for three hours.
  7. Before the teacher (come in) the pupils (copy) the homework from one another for half an hour.
  8. Hardly the manager (sit down) when somebody (knock) at the door.
  9. No sooner Jenny (turn on) the TV than the lights (go off).
  10. When the man (see) the fire in the forest he (call) the firefighters.
  11. When the firefighters (arrive), the people (try) to put out the fire for a long time.
  12. She hardly (order) the drink when the waiter (bring) it.
  13. She (tell) me that her brother already (go) out.
  14. By the time Marianne (think) about his proposal he already (marry) somebody else.
  15. No sooner she (open) her mouth than the dentist (pull) out her tooth.
  16. Jennifer (explain) for five minutes when she (realize) everybody (leave).
  17. The manager (tell) his staff that he (invite) some specialists from abroad.
  18. By the time Jenny’s mother (come) back in the kitchen she (spread) the entire bag of flour on the floor.
  19. They (be) friends for five years before the (get married).
  20. He (stop) the car the moment he (hear) that strange noise.

Present Perfect Simple&Continuous/ Past Simple

  1. We (be) at the baker’s a few minutes ago.
  2. “You (send) the mail?” “Yes, I just (send) it.”
  3. I (lose) weight.
  4. What he (do) when he (see) you?
  5. They (have) dinner yet?
  6. I (listen) to loud music for half an hour.
  7. My father (have) this car for only one year.
  8. What he (talk) about for so long?
  9. Mary (be) in the kitchen since she (come). She (cook) for three hours.
  10. How long Paul (wait) for the train?
  11. It’s almost 3 p.m. I (call) you this morning, but I (can not) find you.
  12. My cousin (work) very hard recently.
  13. We (be) friends since we (be) little children.
  14. When Paul and Sue (met)?
  15. I (not receive) any e-mails so far.
  16. Well, I (receive) about ten. Yesterday I (read) about ten, too.
  17. He (ask) you to do that since you (show) up.
  18. I (be) very busy today because I (study) for my Geography exam.
  19. My God! The girls (talk) on the phone for an hour already.
  20. She is very tired, she (work) all day long.
  21. “When you (do) your homework, Dan?” “I (not finish) it yet, but I (write) it since I (arrive).”
  22. Her little sister (collect) napkins for a long time. She already (have) one hundred last week.
  23. How long they (be) here?
  24. The mechanics (not fix) the car they (bring) two days ago.
  25. “The little boy (trip) over a large stone and (break) his nose.” “When it (happen)?” “I think it (be) a couple of hours ago.
  26. Since they last (visit) me, they (see) so many wonderful places.
  27. Excuse me, where you (find) this very nice bag?
  28. What time the children (go) out?
  29. “What you (do) during all this time?” “Well, we (move) to a new house and this week we (carry) the furniture.”
  30. I think he (get) his bike when he (pass) that difficult exam.

Question tags

Question Tags

  1. The concert began at 7 p.m.,______?
  2. They always meet on Saturdays, _________?
  3. The children are playing, _________?
  4. Your son has never seen an elephant, _________?
  5. He can’t play bridge, _________?
  6. We won’t move to London, _________?
  7. Ann doesn’t go to school on Saturdays, _________?
  8. You didn’t pay in cash, _________?
  9. The dog can stay on this mat, _________?
  10. The price of the food has gone up again, _________?
  11. My driver is waiting for me outside, _________?
  12. The festival begins this Monday, _________?
  13. Her father will be fishing at this time tomorrow, _________?
  14. The teacher won’t have checked our tests by next week, _________?
  15. He should have learned more, _________?
  16. It isn’t snowing now, _________?
  17. The mechanic had finished repairing your car by then, _________?
  18. Her cat doesn’t like bananas, _________?
  19. These apples aren’t fresh, _________?
  20. Our teacher has just entered, _________?
  21. The baby hasn’t been crying for such a long time, _________?
  22. They lived in a village a long time ago, _________?
  23. I am very good at Maths, _________?
  24. She must have succeeded, _________?
  25. Your little sister always washes her little doll, _________?
  26. Jerry was working in the garden when you phoned him, _________?
  27. Father shouldn’t shave, _________?
  28. The housekeeper wasn’t dusting the furniture at that time, _________?
  29. He could have done it, _________?
  30. I am not so stupid, _________?

Vorbirea indirecta (Indirect Speech)


  1. “Open the suitcase, please”, they required him.
  2. “You can’t see your girlfriend now; she’s having a shower”, her father told Tom.
  3. “It is raining heavily now”, mum said coming into the room.
  4. “You should learn more”, the teacher advised him.
  5. “Put on your coat, Jerry, it’s cold outside!”, his mum told Jerry.
  6. “Mr. Smith teaches Geography in our school”, she told her friend.
  7. “I was sleeping from 3 to 5 p.m. yesterday”, he explained.
  8. “What’s your name?”, he asked her.
  9. “Why did you go there alone?”, Jane asked.
  10. “My husband had cooked a delicious meal for me by then.”, she said.
  11. “Have you ever eaten snails?”, he asked me.
  12. “Who is making that noise?”, she asked.
  13. “It’s Jerry. He’s repairing a pipe”, grandma explained.
  14. “We’ll have a wonderful day tomorrow”, the weather forecaster said.
  15. “I’m not going to write my homework now”, young Bobby said.
  16. “Has she already left?”, her classmate asked.
  17. “Don’t point with your finger, please”, his grandma told him.
  18. “I think you are a liar”, his girlfriend told her.
  19. “I read the whole chapter last night”, he boasted.
  20. “My grandfather eats too much”, Sebastian said.
  21. “You should always learn your lessons”, his mother advised him.
  22. “Where does your cousin live?”, he asked me.
  23. “Did you understand our teacher’s explanation?, my deskmate asked me.
  24. “Can I have a hamburger, please?”, she asked.
  25. “Who told you that?”, my father asked me.
  26. “I always try to do my job well”, he boasted.
  27. “What can I do for her?”, he wondered.
  28. “I like red roses”, my mother said.
  29. “They drank all my wine”, my friend noticed.
  30. “I wouldn’t buy this book if you didn’t like it”, he announced.

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Conditionala (IF Clause)

  1. If they had come to my place we (listen) to some good music.
  2. What happens if you (boil) your cream?
  3. You (drive) now if you hadn’t drunk beer.
  4. He wouldn’t have visited you unless you (invite) him.
  5. I (never succeed) unless you had helped me.
  6. If you (be) late again, you’ll lose your job.
  7. If I (know) how to swim, I would have swum already.
  8. She’ll come to your party if you (invite) her.
  9. If I (see) a snake, I would run.
  10. I would be glad if she (come).
  11. What would you do if you (not have) money?
  12. I wouldn’t have read that book unless I (need) it.
  13. If you had wanted to speak English, you (learn) it.
  14. I would be a politician if I (can) understand politics.
  15. If she (be) here, she could sing a carol for us.
  16. But for the snow, winter (not be) so nice.
  17. If  Mandy had paid attention,  she (not lose) her keys.
  18. If I (be) you, I wouldn’t pay any attention to what she says.
  19. Where you (go) if he offered you a holiday?
  20. What she (say) if I visited her unexpectedly?