Cuvinte ENGLEZESTI cu GRAMATICA DIFERITA fata de limba romana
Tradu in limba engleza:
1. De ce are nevoie acum?
2. N-am fost de acord sa plec atunci.
3. Avea dreptate cand a spus asta?
4. Nu ati gresit niciodata?
5. Iti va fi foame daca nu vei manca nimic.
6. Cand s-au nascut parintii tai?
7. As vrea sa stiu unde va avea vedere camera mea de la hotel.
8. Merg la cumparaturi in acelasi oras de multi ani.
9. De cat timp va uitati la TV?
10. In seara asta ne uitam la muzica la televizor.
Vezi rezolvarea in videoclip:
1. Why she needs now ?
2. I wasn t agree to leave then.
3. Was she right when she said this?
4.Have you never wrong ?
5.You will be hungry if you don t eat anything
6.When were your parents born?
7.I would like to know where my hotel room will overlooks
8.I go shopping in the same town from many years.
9.How long have you been watching TV?
10.Tonight we will watch the music on TV.
Buna Sorin,
Felicitari pentru ca lucrezi mereu!
Te rog eu sa te mai uiti o data la videoclip si sa incerci sa descoperi care e treaba la 2, 4 si 7. Si chiar te astept cu alte variante de traducere:)
Apoi vezi ca la 1 avem intr-adevar Present SImple, dar e interogativ si trebuie sa respectam o schema
Timpul la 8 este acelasi ca si la 9, practic esti in aceeasi situatie si cu aceeasi traducere din romana.
1. What does she need now?
2. I didn’t agree to leave then.
3. Was he right when he said that?
4. Have you never been wrong?
5. You’ll be hungry if you don’t eat anything.
6. When were your parents born?
7. I’d like to know where my hotel room will overlook.
8. I’ve been shopping in the same city for many year.
9. How long have you been watching TV?
10. Tonight we are watching music on TV.
Cu mentiunea ca la nr.7 as reformula:
7. I would like to know what my hotel room will overlook.
Foooarte bine, Liliana, felicitari!! Si bine ca ai vazut la 7! Asa e!
Buna Madalina!
De fapt era vorba
What does he need now ..? Intrebarea nr 1
Multumesc mult !
Buna Madalina!
1.Why does he need now?
2.I didn’t agree to leave then.
3.Was he right when he said that?
4.Have you never been wrong?
5.You will be hungry if you don’t eat anything.
6.When were your parents born?
7.I’d like to know what my hotel room will overlook.
8.I’ve been shopping in the same city for many years.
9.How long have you been watching TV?
10.Tonight we are watching music on TV.
Seara frumoasa!
Buna Ramona,
Felicitari, e foarte, foarte bine!
Foarte buna si greșeluța de la 1 la cuvantul interogativ, ca mi-ai ridicat mie mingea la fileu sa mai atrag atentia asupra unui lucru la “need” asta
Buna Mădălina!
Așa este ..corect
1.What does he need now?..asa cum apare si in videoclip.
greseala mea…
Multumesc mult!
Buna Ramona
Da, “what does he need…?”!