Exercitii cu substantive la plural

Tradu in engleza urmatoarele propozitii:

  1. Copiii se plang de obicei cand au multe teme.
  2. Politia este peste tot si are multe echipamente.
  3. Luati cutitele si taiati rosiile alea in jumatati, va rog!
  4. Radiourile nu pot fi plasate pe piane.
  5. N-am inteles niciodata politica si fenomenele ei.
  6. Toata viata lui a vizitat bibliotecile si de aceea are asa de multe cunostinte.
  7. Am doua vesti pentru tine.
  8. Presupun ca vestile sunt bune!
  9. Fermierul are o suta de oi si doar patru boi.
  10. 10 Cate ciocolate ai mancat pana acum?

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Propozitii Diateza Pasiva

Tradu in engleza urmatoarele propozitii:

  1. Se spune ca diateza pasiva nu conteaza.
  2. Se sustine, de asemenea, faptul ca ea nu e folosita deloc.
  3. Inainte ca Gutenberg sa inventeze tiparul, fusesera tiparite carti in Asia.
  4. Se vor produce mai multe masini electrice pana in 2050.
  5. S-au descoperit riscuri si beneficii ale inteligentei artificiale.
  6. Realitatea augmentata s-a folosit la un eveniment public in Londra in 2017.
  7. Se poate descoperi viata pe alte planete oricand.
  8. Luna asta se contruieste un spital nou.
  9. Productia de masa a masinilor cu emisie redusa era discutata in timp ce se aratau pe un ecran cheltuielile.

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Exercitii cu diverse timpuri

Pune verbele din paranteze la timpul potrivit, apoi vezi rezolvarea in videoclip:

(Situation: one more week until Christmas.)

“She (wait) for this Christmas for ages…”

“You (think) so?”

“I (be) sure. She (tell) me that when I (go) to see her two weeks ago. She already (start) to make plans before I (arrive).”

“What she (tell) you?”

“She (say) she (decorate) the Christmas tree two weeks before Christmas.”

“But I (think) the tree (not resist) until 25th, it (not be) a green tree any longer.”

“I also (say) that!”

“Ha, ha… Don’t tell me she already (cook)!”

“No! Of course not! It (not be) possible.”

“What else she (do) before you (visit) her?”

“She just (decorate) the outside of the house. The lights (be) all up when I (be) there.

“Her house (look) nice now?”

“Very nice!”

“You (know) what cakes she (make)? She (make) very delicious cakes.”

“She (tell) me that, but I almost immediately (forget). You (know) I (not be) keen on sweets.”

“Oh, forget about that stupid diet! At least on Christmas!”





Exercitii cu diverse timpuri

Pune verbele din paranteze la Present Simple / Present Continuous / Present Perfect Simple / Present Perfect Continuous / Past Simple, apoi vezi rezolvarea in videoclip:

1. My friends (move) house recently.

2. They already (buy) the furniture.

3. They (buy) it two weeks ago and they (carry) it since then.

4. A plumber (promise) to come yesterday, but he (not come).

5. My friends often (throw) parties because they (not like) silence.

6. This is why they (order) a big living room when they (talk) with the architect for the first time.

7. The point is that they (spend) a lot of money with the house so far.

8. Every week they (spend) more than 1000 dollars.

9. Every day, they (work) a lot, too.

10. So far, they (do) the cleaning, but they (forget) about the windows.

11. Today they (need) to buy a ladder for that.

12. What they (do) tomorrow?



Propozitii cu diverse timpuri – a ploua

Tradu in engleza urmatoarele propozitii, apoi vezi in videoclip daca ai tradus bine:


1. Plouă in fiecare noiembrie.

2. Plouă si in seara asta.

3. Plouă de doua zile / de dimineată.

4. A plouat acum o ora.

5. A plouat mult saptamana asta.

6. Ploua cand m-am trezit.

7. Plouase pana cand am spalat masina.

8. Am fost sigură că va ploua.

9. Cred că va ploua mult.

10. Uită-te la nori! O să plouă!


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Diverse timpuri

Tradu in engleza urmatoarele propozitii, apoi vezi in videoclip rezolvarea.

1. Beau cafea in fiecare dimineata.
2. Beau cafea in aceasta dimineata.
3. Beau cafea de mult timp.
4. Am baut cafea si ieri.
5. Am baut cafea multa astazi.
6. Beam cafeaua cand m-ai invitat la o prajitura.
7. Bausem cafea cand m-ai invitat la o prajitura.
8. Am spus ca voi bea cafea.
9. Cred ca va bea multa cafea.
10. Am de gand sa beau cafea.


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