1. “When I _______ to my boss, I _______ him that I would _______ to the team about the new project.”

a) said / told / talk
b) spoke / told / speak
c) talked / said / speak

2. “Can you _______ me what he _______ in the meeting, or should I _______ directly to him?”

a) tell / said / talk
b) speak / told / say
c) say / told / speak

3. “During the interview, she _______ that she couldn’t _______ French, but she could _______ German fluently.”

a) told / talk / speak
b) said / speak / talk
c) said / speak / speak

4. “After the movie, we all _______ about how great it was, and I _______ to my friend that we should _______ more often.”

a) spoke / told / speak
b) talked / told / talk
c) talked / said / talk

5. “At the conference, the professor _______ about climate change and _______ us how we can _______ other people what to do.”

a) told / said / talk

b) talked / told / speak

c) spoke / told / tell

6. “My mother has always _______ me to _______ up for myself and not be afraid to _______ my mind.”

a) said / speak / tell
b) told / speak / speak
c) said / say / speak

7. “He _______ that he wanted to _______ to the manager, but he was too nervous to _______ anything.”

a) said / talk / say
b) told / say / talk
c) spoke / speak / say

8. “I didn’t _______ anything at the meeting because I was waiting for you to _______ me what to _______.”

a) say / tell / talk
b) speak / say / tell
c) talk / tell / say