Pronume Test Grila

1. Why are you giving ______ the flowers? Give ____ to _____!

a) his / it / her

b) him / it / her

c) him / them / her

2. It’s ____ new bike and he doesn’t want to give _____ to _____.

a) his / it / them

b) him / it / they

c) his / its / their

3. These books are for _____, not for _____.

a) we / mine

b) us / my

c) us / me

4. ______ hair is longer than ______.

a) hers / mine

b) her / mine

c) her / my

5. “Which pen is _____?” “This one is _____, the other one is _____.”

a) your / my / his

b) yours / mine / his

c) yours / mine / him

6. _____ Jeep is expensive and ______ colour is black.

a) Their / its

b) Their / it’s

c) Theirs / its

7. He always goes to work with ____ and _____.

a) we / they

b) us / they

c) us / them

8. Don’t give _____ the project, give _____ to ______!

a) his / its / their

b) him / it / them

c)  him / it / they

Pronume personale

Tradu in limba engleza:


1. N-au sosit inca, dar am vorbit cu ei si sunt pe drum.

2. Inteleg ca nu ai vrut sa vii la petrecerea de ziua mea impreuna cu ea, desi te-a invitat sa i te alaturi.

3. N-am putut iesi pentru ca el ne-a spus ca intentiona sa vina sa ne ia undeva unde voia sa fie vazut cu noi.

4. Mi-ai spus explicatia, dar nu m-am putut concentra asupra ei deoarece conduceam, ploua si se facuse intuneric.

5. Ai vrea sa-ti aduc niste inghetata? Pot sa vin la tine in doua ore.

6. Spune-mi cine vorbea despre mine si ce vorbeau… s-au oprit cand m-au vazut.

7. Am  vorbit despre voi cu furnizorul si au fost de acord sa va faca o oferta, asa ca va pot trimite documentul pe mail acum, dar pot sa vin la voi doar maine.

8. Cei doi clienti ar vrea ca noi sa le trimitem niste mostre si ai fost cu mine cand le-am promis, dar amandoi am uitat.


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