Pluralul substantivelor – test grila

Alege varianta corecta:

1. How ________ do you need?

a). many breads

b). much loaves of bread

c). many loaf of bread

d). much bread

2. She doesn’t have any money because ____________ all in the other bag she left at home.

a). it is

b). they are

c). there is

d). there are

3. He can’t carry all ______________ by himself.

a). these luggages

b). this pieces of luggage

c). this luggage

d). these piece of luggage

4. Police ______ found two ____________ about the suspect.

a). have / pieces of information

b). has / pieces of information

c). has / informations

d). have / information

5. Her parents are so proud she has made ______________.

a). so many progresses

b). so much pieces of progress

c). so many pieces of progress

d). so much progress

6. He’s saved many people’s __________ by persuading them not to jump off the _________.

a). lives / clives

b). lifes / cliffs

c). lives / cliffs

d). lifes / clives

7. In the _________they could see people eating huge _____________.

a). photos / tomatos

b). photos / tomatoes

c). photoes / tomatoes

d). photoes / tomatos

8. Your parents can give you __________

a). many advice

b). much advice

c). many advices

d). much pieces of advice

9. Her mother asked her to buy two __________ for her younger cousin, but she told her she had a lot of ___________ and she didn’t have time for that.

a). bars of chocolate / homework

b). chocolate / homeworks

c). chocolates / homework

d). bars of chocolate / homeworks

10. Physics ______ a tough science for such young ___________.

a). are / children

b). is / child

c). is / children

d). are / child

Vezi rezolvarea in videoclip:

Exercitii cu substantive la plural

Tradu in engleza urmatoarele propozitii:

  1. Copiii se plang de obicei cand au multe teme.
  2. Politia este peste tot si are multe echipamente.
  3. Luati cutitele si taiati rosiile alea in jumatati, va rog!
  4. Radiourile nu pot fi plasate pe piane.
  5. N-am inteles niciodata politica si fenomenele ei.
  6. Toata viata lui a vizitat bibliotecile si de aceea are asa de multe cunostinte.
  7. Am doua vesti pentru tine.
  8. Presupun ca vestile sunt bune!
  9. Fermierul are o suta de oi si doar patru boi.
  10. 10 Cate ciocolate ai mancat pana acum?

Vezi rezolvarea in videoclip:



Pluralul Substantivelor

Tradu in engleza urmatoarele propozitii:

  1. Toate cele trei informatii au fost corecte.
  2. Unii oameni nu sunt buni la a da sfaturi.
  3. Toti banii ei sunt in aceasta geanta.
  4. Si-au prezentat eroii nationali in acele fotografii.
  5. Bebelusa lor are doar doi dinti si ei au cumparat deja trei paste de dinti.
  6. Vanatorii nu ar trebui sa vaneze caprioare.
  7. De cate paini avem nevoie?
  8. Nu pot sa car toate bagejele astea.
  9. Sunt foarte mandru ca ea a facut asa multe progrese!
  10. Politia a gasit multe dovezi impotriva lui?


Vezi rezolvarea in videoclip: