Tradu in engleza urmatoarele propozitii:

1. Daca n-am avea asa de multe lucruri de facut, nu am fi asa stresati.

2. Nu l-ar durea spatele acum daca n-ar fi carat cutiile acelea grele.

3. S-ar fi putut sa stau in ploaie mult timp daca nu m-ai fi vazut asteptand acolo.

4. Daca n-ar fi pandemia, am putea merge oriunde ne-ar placea.

5. Daca n-o sa am timp, n-o sa fac curat.

6. Ma intreb ce s-ar fi intamplat daca n-as fi invatat asa de mult.

7. Daca se intampla sa-l vezi, aminteste-i despre cartea mea!

8. Ti-as fi putut spune vestea daca as fi fost sigura ca e adevarata.

9. Daca n-ar fi fost internetul, nu am fi fost asa de aproape de oameni si nu am fi stiut asa de multe lucruri.

10. Ar fi trebuit sa avem grija de sanatatea noastra daca am fi vrut un sistem imunitar sanatos.


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Cuvinte interogative

Tradu in limba engleza:

1. Cat zahar trebuie sa punem in aceasta prajitura?

2. Cat de des inseala oamenii?

3. Cat le-a luat sa citeasca “Harry Potter”?

4. Cate videoclipuri am creat pana acum?

5. Cat de amuzant a fost filmul pe care l-ati vazut ieri?

6. A cui masina o foloseste el de cand a avut accidentul?

7. Cat de zgomotosi sunt copiii din cartierul tau?

8. Cu care dintre aceste pixuri ai vrea sa scrii?

9. Ce fel de fuste ii place ei sa poarte?

10. Ce lectii v-au placut mai mult pana acum?






Propozitii cu diverse timpuri

Tradu in limba engleza:

1. La doua saptamani dupa Craciun, doua prietene vorbesc:

2. Deci cum ti-ai petrecut Craciunul?

3. Pot sa spun ca a fost cel mai bun Craciun!

4. De ce spui asta? Ai petrecut multe concedii de Craciun dragute pana acum.

5. Intr-adevar, dar acesta a fost special pentru ca ne-am dus la mare.

–         Unde?

6. Noi vruseseram sa mergem pe litoralul nostru si chiar merseseram la o agentie de turism.

7. Pentru ca nu am putut gasi o oferta convenabila, agentul a sugerat Cipru.

8. Cautaseram o oferta buna timp de doua saptamani inainte sa ne hotaram in cele din urma sa mergem acolo.

9. Nu ma gandisem ca voi vizita vreodata Cipru, dar pot sa-ti spun ca a fost cel mai bun concediu pe care l-am petrecut vreodata.

10. A fost atat de dragut, incat ne-am hotarat ca vom merge acolo si anul viitor.

11. De atunci ma gandesc la asta.

12. Sunt atat de entuziasmata acum, cand iti povestesc.


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Alege varianta potrivita:


1. I can’t/ can/ couldn’t swim, but at least I can try.

2. You shouldn’t/ can’t/ mustn’t smoke in this restaurant.

3. You may/must/need to take a break now if you want.

4.  When he was younger, he might/ should/ could walk 10 km a day.

5. They may/ might/ could have arrived, but I’m not sure at all!

6. Your grandpa must/can/should be working in the garden… he isn’t answering the land line.

7. I’m sure it wasn’t her, she mustn’t/ can’t/ shouldn’t have done it!

8. Wait for me there, please, I need/ may/ must be a few minutes late!

9. I’m sorry, the manager has just left. You must/ should/ could have come earlier.

10. Students must/ can/ may do that, this is the rule in our university.

11. If you play so well, you will can/ will be able to/ will be able win the next championship.

12. You mustn’t/ needn’t/ can’t have bought bread! Now we have too much.


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Exercitii THE

Pune “the” acolo unde trebuie:

___ more you know, ___ more you realize you still have a lot to learn. ____Books are interesting and ___documentaries even more, and they make you realize there’s a fantastic world inside you, ___ world of your own dreams.

Have you ever thought about climbing ___Everest or going on a trip to ___ Alps?

If not, maybe you’ve always wanted a ride on a camel in ___ Sahara.

Listen to yourself! There’s a crave for a crazy week in a room at ___ Hilton on ___ Seychelles or in ___ Hague.

___Monte Carlo is waiting for you to jump on ___ yacht of your dreams. And navigate across ___ Mediterranean.

After the heat of ___Monaco, ___ cold island in ___ North Atlantic –  ___Ireland itself –  is fascinating with ___ ancient castles and makes you remember ___ summer you might visit it.

And if ___ beauties of this world are not enough for your dreams, aim for ___ Moon or even ___ rings of ___Saturn!

Don’t be disappointed by ___ real world! “That which does not kill us makes us stronger”, as ___ famous Nietzsche said  🙂


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Substantive nenumarabile in engleza

Tradu in limba engleza:


1. Au cheltuit multi bani cand s-au dus in vacanta peste hotare. Nu si-au putut crede ochilor cand i-au numarat.

2. Intotdeauna imi da cele mai bune sfaturi. Ele se refera la toate aspectele afacerii mele.

3. Sunt foarte rari oamenii cu multe cunostinte.

4. “Ti-ai facut temele pentru azi?” “Desigur, dar n-am avut multe.”

5. “Cate dovezi are politia?” “Au doar una.”

6. Nu pot sa cred ca ai mancat toate cele trei ciocolate!

7. Deja cumparase toate echipamentele inainte sa declare faliment.

8. De cand fiica mea a inceput scoala, a facut multe progrese.

9. E imposibil sa gasim un taxi cu cele 50 de bagaje ale noastre.

10. Ati putea sa-mi dati doua informatii, va rog?


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